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03/14/11 3:48 PM

#5980 RE: stockchick #5979

Blindsided by a separate reality.............

Yah, I agree! And thank you for sharing that. Theft and how a company deals with it and what they may say goes into a totally different realm of business and business relations and HR responsibilities. I never expected this to be the case. It just did not occur to me at all. You'd think that I had lead a sheltered life. LOL

In that light, I rest, retract, appologize for, my scathing sentiments in regards to Barrista management and recognize that I most likely drew conclusions from questionable press reporting in regards to critical facts. Clearly this information is not and should not be made available to the public by responsible management and the issues may be more complex than understood.

While I make a concerted effort to dig for and drive out truth, even through certain antagonism if it might get the job done, I believe that I could have been a little more discrete in addressing this issue and perhaps share that sentiment with media. Nevertheless,I apologize for my method of addressing my opinion, not that my sentiments are or were wrong, but that I evidently did not have all the information required to form a reasonable opinion and might have possibly guessed that. Might, might not have, would rather have!

I find countless examples of bad microcap management and stock manipulators who promote deception and what appear to be unethical or borderline unethical business practices resulting in many investors sharing a certain jaded opinion with other traders who have witnessed or been personally victimized by such behavior. We get gun shy and lose objectivity sometimes and some pieces of information hit raw nerves.

But as with any relationship, our relationships with stock positions and the companies and management they represent are wrought with risk and challenge and if we are lucky, those positions become our friends, so to speak. And what friendship doesn't have a terse moment or two where misunderstandings may take place! No excuse, just fact.

NOTE: Always IMO, right, wrong or otherwise. It's all about the duh duh ("DD") and everyone is responsible for their own.
