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03/07/11 6:56 PM

#26139 RE: whydidibuythisstock #26138

Doesn't matter,at the current time there is no music available for download. They can't even get the Silverlight player working and have music, I don't think you can even think about portability yet.

Heck for all we know now, maybe all the labels pulled out because of the attempt to use tracks that they had no rights to be using.

The biggest thing to remember is those 90 days are slippy fast and so far there is absolutely nothing but a website in a Silverlight wrapper.

What makes this attempt any different then any of the past failed attempts? Why should anyone think this time different?
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03/07/11 6:58 PM

#26140 RE: whydidibuythisstock #26138

It's not that we want it to go away, we just want the truth and so far I have yet to find a single thing that has been truthful.
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Wayne Rosso

03/07/11 7:01 PM

#26141 RE: whydidibuythisstock #26138

I'll be happy to answer your questions and lay out likely scenario.

If Klepsy gets some money, it will have to be a very significant amount. The only reason he has these temporary licenses is in order to get enough dough to pay the labels what he owes them from the past. And that's a lot. They want their cash and see this as a hail mary pass to try and get what they're owed. He basically said "give me 90 days and I'll get you your money".

Don't forget that he has many millions more out in judgments against him, the latest is actually a personal judgment.

Because of this situation Kelpsy is only allowed heavily drm'd downloads that can only be played on a computer and only with the Qtrax player. They are considered to be the equivalent of streams for computer only--nothing portable. Portability is more than a technical issue, it's a licensing issue. Those rights cost a lot more money, especially if you want to cache as Spotify does. Based upon the existing Qtrax technology, it would never happen The current web site and player are like something out of 1997--totally antiquated. No one uses this stuff anymore. It takes several seconds for a track to play because it has to call home and get a license for every play. That's dark ages stuff. The labels won't give him mp3's to give away. And the certainly won't let him get near anything mobile.

The labels are also very embarrassed about this whole thing. I figure that they told Klepsy to keep this all on the DL--no press announcements--this is only meant for investors to see. So what I think he did was Have his acolytes and pr firm tweet about it and leak it onto forums like this one.It would whip the fateful into a frenzy, as it always does. Klepsy knows what he's doing.This way he can say tp the labels that he never put out a press announcement with a straight face.

As far as the Warner content goes, here's what I think happened. Klepsy had the content from his previous "trial" a couple of years ago. So he most likely just told his tech guys to activate everything he had, knowing that he didn't have WMG on board. My guess is that he figure that they wouldn't notice and if they did it's always better to beg for forgiveness rather than ask for permission.

What's most amazing is how the stupid record labels went for this--they're that desperate to get their dough. And I'd love to find the investor who doesn't know how to use Google.

I hope that this helps answers your questions.