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01/18/11 7:59 AM

#88779 RE: P K G #88777

as i've posted .. one who does stop by unannounced
(last 12/22) and others who communicate with mgmt
far more regularly than i .. continue to believe that
EXPH sor do see info this month

my logic keeps coming back to the router down for
those 6 weeks and what that cost the co. besides
the products NOT shipped out the door and revs
not collected from bills not mailed due to products
NOT manufactured .. and since it's quite clear to me
via the PR out of mgmt on 9/16 (post annual SM) that
every dollar is already allocated .. in my own mind
i can see the realities of a 6 week delay and if i'm
wrong and transparency comes this month .. great

that said i have no way of knowing one way or the other
but i do scan the NV SOS site a few times per week for
new bod (director) shows .. imo that comes first

i'm also fully aware of the major screwup done by whichever
entity *shorted* in advance of those shares (even being issued
by the TA) on 11/29 .. the reason why this matters is because
unlike prior *shorts* this volume was of substance (it actually
took out all legit bids at .0002) .. something that the 2
follow on (and record setting volume on 12/10 and 12/22) didn't
do for the .0001s

which is why i'm curious to see what comes to pass since i know
volume has to show b4 eom (resets) and since the only folks i
know for a fact who've managed intercepts on *volume* done in
jan 2011 ... are those with etrade accts .. i'm curious to see
what comes to pass re: the next frezny on exph's shares and if
my bid at .0001 (and others who also haven't been filled) get

11/29/2010 tape

anyhow .. as i've posted .. transparency comes when it comes

i'm giving mgmt thru first Q (end of march 2011) b4 i next
assess aspects .. since (again my logic) i can see the *IMPACT*
the router being down 6 weeks *potentially* could have

btw last i touched base with mgmt i did express my *frustration*
re: consistent website shareholder updates .. (last one on 12/8)
even if it's something as fluffy as happy new year shareholders
and the router is still working 3 shifts per day in the month
of jan .. :)

all jmo