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01/06/11 1:32 PM

#44536 RE: banchrima #44521

My Answer to LBSR

For one thing, just know I am not an investor at heart and never wanted to be. What I mean is, being married to a stock was never my intention. But after doing a couple of months of research on LBSR to save my Uncle from investing in a loser stock, and the price in subpenny, it made no sense to pass this by after the DD I found. The key that turned the lock for me was Mr. Briscoes 2007 interview. I not only studied it, I used it as a base for my research. What I noticed was that LBSR had a lot of life left in it when others thought it died or was nearly dead. And buying a stock like this has made many millionairs in the past. I also noticed how Mr.Briscoe was still nurturing the company like a baby with continued work on the Alaska claims during the down time. This is when I decided to marry the stock and retire from trading. The note holders at that time had everyone running from this stock while I bought more. It was a great and wonderful time for those who saw the potential. This is a post on dollars I made last April, when everyone was running from LBSR

Now, let's talk about time frames. Let's also talk about the middle of 2003. You will notice in 2003 the price ran from.02 to $12 in six months. The share structure is offset from that time; however, the DD is far better today than it was then. So, let's say a run to $4 is still possible with the share structure we have today in comparison to the price and share structure then. With a run like that, institutions will begin to nurture the stock as well and more than likely will drive it even higher. In other words, once drilling begins to show promise, there is no way LBSR can be held down in price. When there are trillions of dollars in reserves, it is not a penny stock anymore and everyone should realize that. This fact is pure and simple. The question all along has been about what is under the ground. For many investors, the ZTEM survey and the many fingerprints of Pebble is enough to qualify LBSR in dollars. So, my argument of dollars is getting better support as time moves along.

Timing is what you mainly ask. How long will it take? What is the time frame for my speculation. Well, that is hard to say and so, again, I will give my opinion. Mind you, as we wait today, there is much going on in the background while commodities rise. And I do not believe that the price of gold and copper are priced into LBSR as yet. Nor is the drilling of 66 holes now taking place priced in. Also, it stands to reason that Silver Bell is to come on line as copper is priced so high today. I will leave out uranium for now. So, the timing would include the pricing in of background work and commodities. Let's ask this question: Can these be priced in within the next six months? I say yes! And I have picked June or July for the fireworks. I may be wrong, you be the judge. However, there are far too many positive elements at play that can happen all at once.