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12/23/10 7:32 PM

#11563 RE: wileycoyoteee #11559

I've been saying the same thing for past couple of months. I own a business & opened another in Oct.08. Both in the same city & the first one been there 15 yrs now. You would think they, the local govt, didn't want me to open. And like much of govt, local or federal, the right hand didn't know what the left was doing. Contradictions w in their own rules. Long story short, it took FOREVER to open. In the mean time I'm paying a mortgage & other bills while they push around paperwork from one dept to another. The moral of the story is, THINGS TAKE TIME. What Val is putting together is a lot more involved & complicated than a small bus. There r rules, paperwork, permits & quite possibly some hands to b greased in a country like the DR. Next 2 months I can pretty much tell u we will be moving up. How far, how fast I do not know. THIS IS THE REAL DEAL & REAL DEALS DON'T HAPPEN OVERNIGHT. HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO ALL.