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12/07/10 2:05 PM

#27345 RE: fuzz1951 #27343

Fuzz, for you and the few others who replied back on the idea of a visit/meeting with IFSL in Las Vegas as a good one, I have received further information from Paul on what his schedule looks like and I think will fit nicely with providing enough time for others to plan. Paul states that he has a busy schedule for the next at least 6 to 8 weeks and with the holidays I can understand. His suggestion is to work with the middle of February and work out a particular date that would be good for those interested. His routine is to fly in on Thursdays and leave on Monday.

Take a look at your planner and lets have some comments back. I would also suggest that those who are serious move this off the board and work out our arrangements. I would still like to update the board but it does not have to be burdened down with the work out routine.

To me this is now saying a lot about IFSL and where they are at as they make the effort to meet with this small body of individuals as there is no financial or other reward for them but does show the openess of how they look at doing business. Do I expect great revelations "NO" but when you know how to read and understand what and how information is presented there is an untold story that comes through and that is the best that I feel we can obtain and work within the legal frame work that information can be exchanged.

I also look forward to meet some of these additional longs that I have both agreed and disagreed with in about 8 weeks. What a hell of a meeting it would be if this stock is finished with the uplist, has a decent 4th quarter and we could be there for the release.