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12/01/10 8:23 PM

#61249 RE: ashy2classy #61248

Chad's accomplishments:

1) Working with the Company to establish a dividend policy -- something that even CCME has been unable to do, despite having a totally ridiculous amount of cash collecting dust (and pathetic interest rates) on a balance sheet.

2) Courting big name investors, organizing the investor tour with the Swedes -- all this despite the fact that SIAF was an unaudited pink sheet stock.

3) Visiting the company and making a detailed corporate video to explain the business. Remember, retail investors don't want to see meaningless numbers in a PR, they want to see cows and dairy facilities and farmland and buildings. That's what gets them excited. Chad has been the only IR to actually recognize this fact and shift the strategy accordingly. Moreover, it helps quell the fraud fears.

Have you noticed that the only people in this space making detailed videos of companies are short sellers? Does CEU take you on a tour of their facilities, packed with little Chinese students eager to learn? Now, you get the tour of the abandoned building from some girl at Kerrisdale Capital as the stock is imploding.

These IR firms still haven't caught onto the importance of actually seeing real things in these businesses. You can't be confident in something that you can't see with your own eyes, and this is especially true where there is controversy and confusion, where numerous intelligent, well-researched, well-informed investors are telling you--both with their mouths, and their money--that your stock is a fraud.

4) Effectively communicating the company's strategy and managing market expectations. He writes good PR's, and he does a good job of releasing news when the company's price will be affected by it. He doesn't waste his ammo, as many other companies do. Funds appreciate that, because they actually have to worry about where prices go day to day. They have to answer to their investors who say "what the hell is this weird chinese stock that you're invested in?"

Bottom line: Chad understands the market and investor psychology. He understands what it takes to get a fund to put money in a company, and what it takes for retail investors to get interested in a stock. The proof is in the price action. You saw the move SIAF made. It's not just because of the fundamentals. If CCG IR or HC or Redchit had been running the show, we'd be languishing at .75 right now.

He took what was once considered to be an abhorrent POS scam and helped make it into the gold standard for the CGS space.

For every other company, it's been the same old story. We give them money every few quarters in a shameless, abusive, deceptive stock offering, and then they give us a few meaningless pump and dump gestures designed to get the stock up, like an orchestrated "upgrade" from Rodman.

SIAF, on the other hand, has provided a direct cash return for investors, something that no company in the space has been able to do, despite all the talk. And in the process, they have yet to ask for even a penny in dilution.

I appreciate that and take it seriously. If the news came out today that Chad was taking over the IR of CCME or NEP or any other decent company in the space, I'd be a buyer hand over fist.
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12/01/10 8:44 PM

#61250 RE: ashy2classy #61248

NEP - speaking of which, why on earth hasn't Bill Zima thought to take us on a video tour of their oil fields? Interview management at the facilities, face to face, translating where necessary?

Wouldn't that add some credibility to what is otherwise a mysterious black box?

These IR firms really are clueless.