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10/28/10 11:39 AM

#85674 RE: fourkids_9pets #85672

i don't discount *realities* or mock a legit co.s efforts
to keep their doors open and *employ* my fellow American
citizens :0

I am curious, what is there employment level? And only since you raised the issue, how do you feel about company's that place huge financial burden on fellow Americans by running potential con's for self fulfilling reasons?

Would you not agree that in your experiences you have been exposed to corrupt company's who pay employees to be pawns while using monies stolen from shareholders?

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Santa Barbara Broker

10/28/10 12:06 PM

#85679 RE: fourkids_9pets #85672

time to me is irrelevant.. it's the whys that matter

Time is irrelevant. Hmmm. Well here are some "whys" that may not play into that theory too well.

1) Over the last five years Expo's gross profits have relatively and generally declined steadily while their G&A expenses increased proportionately. If the current trend continues through 2010 and beyond (as I expect it will), I would estimate an imbalance between gross profit and G&A expensing of nearly 3:1 by 2014. At that point overall losses in excess of $3.5 to 4.5M per year will likely have become commonplace if said trends continue.

2) Dilution has increased by around 300% since inception (adjusted for forward splits, etc) with a huge acceleration over the past nine months. If this trend continues, one could expect to see in excess of 30 billion shares (or the equivalent in split adjusted shares) in the A/S approved by 2014 with an O/S count of around 20-25 billion shares and a share price (once again split adjusted) reflective of that dilution in the neighborhood of .000035.

3) Impossible to tell just how many future friends and family JD will lead to the equity trough, but at the current rate, look for him to be employing between 60 and 75 unnecessary full time personnel by 2014 at an annual cost to shareholders of $3.3M to $4.13M wasted dollars.

4) Critical "balance sheet improvements" aside, look for the company to follow current trends and have an actually negative net worth in the area of ($1.25M) by 2014.

Now all this may be irrelevant indeed if the company is taken private and common shareholders are wiped out...which is very likely what will happen. That being said, in the event Expo continues on as a publicly listed entity, these are some of the potentials of an "irrelevant time" horizon one could fully expect to occur looking out another 5 years or so. Just some of the factors that will affect valuations while shareholders patiently wait for a company who's technical prowess and inventive nature consists of nailing boards together to "master learning curves" and to "mature as a start-up industry"...despite already having been doing exactly what they are currently doing for more than ten years already as D&D Displays.