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02/20/05 7:51 PM

#83 RE: ragtrade #82

Can I sort of steer this a little ragtrade?

Thanks for the banter mitch I got a good laugh , not sure who RR is ragtrade but banter aside there is something that has been on the back of my mind. I'll make a bet with you all...a friendly one keep your wallet in your pocket guys I'm not a billionaire either LOL!.

I know the IR guy at Clearly Canadian I am willing to bet you that he will tell me that company went to the CNQ for essentially the same reasons GBRT went, in short Venture Exchange intransigence. I will call him Monday and find out his story because although I'm out of that now I KNOW Clearly was trying to expand and just did a Private Placement they were revamping ALL their marketing streams having lost a lot of market share to poor distribution.

Truth is Clearly had been stagnant for years something was holding them back and although I didn't know it then I think I know why can't bite the hand that feeds you I sensed in talking to Clearly an undertow of frustration they did not want to get into at the time that is why I took the loss and left. I think I know now EXACTLY what was wrong and it will be interesting to watch how Clearly Canadian does under the CNQ banner also. Get used to this the Venture Exchange monopoly has been broken and the playing field is becoming more level all the time. Competition finally thank heaven because it benefits everyone.

Now in talking to GBRT management I get the crystal clear impression this financing is not a matter of if but WHEN now since the shift to the CNQ. Let's assume they are right and sure enough this financing goes through. This is not pie in the sky folks it's done as a matter of course now in the US and Europe. What I am getting at here is remember all those predictions of valuation at .64 cents once Rob gets the financing from StockHouse board before the change to CNQ was known??? Wow LOL! heady days I remember all those evaluation gurus posting why GBRT must be AT LEAST worth that and I am not saying they were wrong far from it.

I was wondering how those evaluations might have changed now that we are on the CNQ? Does anyone have a revised target for GBRT once financing closes? Assume we get what we are after (financing through this asset based vehicle) assume the news goes out GBRT will now have the funds to do what it has wanted for so long and GBRT DOES expand like they have intended all along.

Does anyone have a post PR financing target ? I'll post about that gentlemen's bet after I have talked with Clearly I'm starting to enjoy this now that I understand finally what was screwing up Clearly Canadian chances... it wasn't management at all ...DOH!

Hang on I am forgetful CLV was on the TSE not the Venture! LMAO this is getting better all the time ROTFL here is an excerpt from CLV's PR

"The CNQ offers a fully electronic exchange with instant order execution
and transparency for investors. Listing on the CNQ provides our
shareholders an efficient new marketplace for trading equity
securities," said Douglas L. Mason, President and C.E.O. of Clearly
Canadian Beverage Corporation.

I'll keep you posted guys I am man enough to admit f I am wrong but I sense the CNQ's much much smaller regulation compliance is the driving force here what a scoop for the CNQ This used to be a flagship stock on the TSE and interestingly enough they are also on the OTCBB already (CCBC) LOL! I'll also bet you the CNQ is just smiling like a cheshire cat right now! Get back to you boys later....