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09/14/10 9:08 PM

#88267 RE: webpence #88261

I think that is about right... although I'd call it more of a "three step" need from here.

There is a first issue in unmet DD focused on "what the value is" that dmbao addressed pretty well, as far as the need that has to be met, here:

We're waiting on a couple of updates to the 43-101, which is the proper instrument for addressing those questions about "value of the resource", and "valuation of mineral exploration companies". We don't need to do any more DD there, for now... just need to wait for the reports... and we'll see more about what the resource... and the company... are worth.

A little commented feature... is that typically, that is pretty much near the end game for any junior exploration outfit... you prove up the value... then you JV or sell the project to someone else to develop it... and you go back to exploring, looking somewhere else.

The elements yours addresses, are looking at the "second step" in terms of the things you do for "scoping" studies and "feasibility" studies... which has you moving beyond basic "exploration" tasks to thinking about "development". Yours addresses the unmet needs quite well, with there being some unfilled holes in DD there... but, that focus is still an "operational" focus... only looking at the next steps in development of a specific property with an operational focus...

The "third step" are those OTHER things that relate to what you will be considering along with those things you consider in scoping and feasibility... that aren't "operational" considerations tied to the features in the prospective mine property, but what I've called "organizational" stuff... things that aren't at all dependent on what the rocks have in them... or that are wholly site dependent... but, that are dependent on features of the larger environment and the market in which the project is being considered...

I think the "focus" here has been pretty much fixed for quite a while on "where the puck used to be" while considering changes here only in the context relative to updates to the prior 43-101... when what I see is that the work program they'd slated for this season was focused WAY MORE on addressing issues that are more appropriately considered "scoping and feasibility" issues.

Meanwhile, they've also addressed other "news" in recent PR to things that are more focused on the "organizational"...

I think there may be a lot of "catching up" that needs to happen in the DD effort here... given it seems the puck (or, doorknob) is WAY out ahead of many of the observers, here...

The deal with Dahlman Rose and the arrival of Collins Stewart... are each things which seem to address proofs of others, external perspectives... they reflect others perception of what SRSR has and is doing... that don't seem to align much or well with the perspective of many here.

They aren't things that mean you should ignore the impact an updated 43-101 might have... but, they are things that begin to hint at progress occurring re things on the "organizational" end of development... that have not really been well considered here at all... rather than dismissed as "not relevant" ??? LOL!!!

Scoping and feasibility are obviously things where more DD would be useful. I've mentioned the impact of the geophysics and studies of separations in particular...

We've looked at a recent comparable feasibility study from a Nebraska site, I think it was...

The "organizational" stuff ? Looks like a complete blank in the DD here re most of that stuff... even to the degree that the inputs we have to consider... are dismissed out of hand ?

I think that means there may be some significant "surprises" that might occur... given it seems some aren't even looking at the right racing sheets while considering how to place bets...

Assuming a "positive" result from looking at the scoping and feasibility studies... the "organizational" issues are what will determine whether "it happens" or not... and when, etc. Where do the SRSR resource... but, also the SRSR "effort" and "focus" and "organization" fit in the big picture... given a global market requirement for niobium, and, maybe, REE... that meet customers needs ?

Long winded, I know... but, there ARE three "steps" we should be looking at now... "valuation", "development/operations" and "organizational"... while the effort in DD seems it is still stuck looking at numbers in the assays from drill cores...