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08/04/10 10:44 PM

#435984 RE: TEK_$$$tockzz #435982 know what's even funnier?......Palin in 2012......that'll be the battle for the ages.....Obama vs. Palin.....crazy.....but, coming$
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08/05/10 4:53 AM

#435991 RE: TEK_$$$tockzz #435982

Amen to that one.

Ya know, the way the American banking system is setup... if you're truly clever you will understand the inevitable end.

Alot of people cry devluation, currency collapse, blah blah blah. I tell you they are all blathering idiots perpetuating myths. The hocus pocus of the all mighty dollar lies within this secret...

If you consider this image... (explination below it...forgive the crudeness, it is merely for illustration...)

What I am getting at is the Feds print the BORROWED money and pass it on to the US Treasury, the US Treasury pays for government functions (Social Security - Military Expenses - Government Programs and Research... etc) - this money is further passed along to large multin ational conglomerates who have subsidized contracts... (Boeing - Haliburton - GE - Etc...etc) - this money trickles down into the larger retail sector(walmart - etc...) and then on down to the smaller regional stores (krogers..meijer...etc)... where the average joe six pack gets their check cut from

This is nothing new, but continue reading to get a better understanding...

Now, the magic here is alot of directors and ceo's sit on the same boards of these large institutions... the same can be said for the government functions... understanding the name of the game here... is that as the US continues to borrow to meet current fiscal obligations - the money that is ACTUALLY in circulation is far less than what is being borrowed on the books.

Naturally this means a game of musical chairs (i.e. default) those who're able to pay on demand meet their obligations and those who're unable to come up with spare dollars default.

Fair enough.

But, if you are truly intelligent then one can see the power behind this system - if these heads of corporations and government funnel their money OUTSIDE the united states and store it in off-shore bank accounts, they FURTHER deplete the money in circulation.

At some point, we will see a flashpoint where the amount of dollars being spent by consumers and the amount being horded by tptb via off-shore bank accounts will inevitably make the dollar more rare then gold itself.

In the end the banker always wins because of the transfer of defualted wealth and assets.

Nevertheless - one must keep this thought in mind regardless of the devaluation of the dollar - one thing is certain. There are less and less dollars in circulation.

An over inflated budget, met with a credit crunch (i.e. big government crowding out lower end borrows) will create a 2007 panic all over again. Except the name of the game is scarce dollars!

This time, though each step draws all of us nearer to default because those in the know are hording the dewindling supply of dollars in circulation.

GLTA, I hope this has shed some light on some and opened their eyes to whats at stake for Americans... buy back america, we gotta own our country again.