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Max Power

07/31/10 12:22 AM

#19646 RE: bgdreamz #19645

dear diary....
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07/31/10 12:46 AM

#19662 RE: bgdreamz #19645

I will remind you of your post in a month. Make sure don't change your skin by then..
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07/31/10 12:59 AM

#19666 RE: bgdreamz #19645

dreamz...I've followed a bit if the company along the way. Hence my buy-in at .0006/.0007. The dividend is a non-starter because it's ostensibly distributed in the form of restricted stock. MY reaction to that was huh? lol. Here's the thing about that also. Anyone expecting a true "dividend" from a penny stock is up the wrong tree. It's a fine concept and many of these companies will do things like that to attract shareholders, but suggest you don't hang your hat on a Penny "dividend". More of an oxymoron situation than anything. In the end, I think the gesture is fine and noble. Imvho, any company in this arena should forget the notion of dividends altogether and just focus on delivering on those set goals ahead of schedule if possible.

As far as your other issues, as you know these companies are works in progress in a big way and they are morphing constantly. Bottom line is whether the company is real and if they actually have revenues. Here they do. Several people here on the board have visited HQ, seen and spoken with management and have a decent outlook for the company. As far as charts go. I disagree with you. Charts, IF you know how to read them, will tell you what's going on in a heartbeat and that's Pinks, NASD, Big Board, I've given this sermon in-depth too many times to go at it again, but suffice it to say charts are very helpful in understanding the strength of the company. In this case the if you hadn't seen a chart, you would not know that the stock has broken a trend now for the past trading month. All this SP is waiting for now is a confirm on that break, which will be shown at the next sustained breakout higher. I do agree with you the stock has explosive qualities at key times. Now it has the chance to show it can uptrend. gl
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07/31/10 3:21 PM

#19702 RE: bgdreamz #19645

The answer to all of your questions is simple.

It is because this is a share selling scam. How many times must it be proven?