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07/26/10 11:26 PM

#1369 RE: DewDiligence #1362

i agree that Tillerson's comments are explicit and clear; however, for once I wouldn't be critical of Markey. If it weren't for the liklihood that he delivered the comment in his usual sneering tone I'd say he and Tillerson are in agreement. I'd like to have heard Markey's comments in context because I doubt if he had any intention of agreeing with Tillerson.

The comment by Bromwich sounds hopeful. Derb Carter is an idiot but then Oregon isn't known for oil production, its powerhouse economy, or for excellent law schools.

As for the effects of the moratorium, my fears regarding the extent of its effects are beginning to manifest in my own little domain; pisses me off to a huge degree and i was pissed off to begin with.

On a happier note, thanks for all your work on MNTA. I'm yet another grateful beneficiary of your largess.