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05/13/10 7:12 PM

#3184 RE: slbrown #3181

SL great info and thanks for legwork. Have heard rumor Walgreens has already decided to also stock spray, maybe you brought that about.

Super news CVS is running out, that will not persist they will keep ordering more until they quit running out.

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05/13/10 8:28 PM

#3191 RE: slbrown #3181

"I have no idea why XCHO did not get distribution on both and if you had to choose 1 over the other I would have chosen the spray over the gel for initial distribution."

As a recently new user of both the spray and gel (and a stockholder), I tend to disagree with your assessment re: stocking the gel instead of the spray. When I got both types almost a month ago I got immediate relief for sore joints and muscles from the gel, while it's just in the last week that the levels of the internally absorbed spray have built up high enough in my body to provide around the clock pain relief.

So based on my personal experience, if I were a retailer selling the product, I'd choose the gel if forced to buy one or the other, since the gel seems to provide immediate relief. Consumers in great pain will not want to wait several weeks for the spray to take full effect.

And that brings me to a relatively serious concern I have with regular use of the spray: the potential for suffering further injuries to muscles and joints because you feel no pain and decide to do some physical activities that your body is really not ready for....that exact thing happened to me last weekend.

I was working on a project in my basement workshop and felt fine during the 2-3 hours of work, but the next day I woke up and could barely move my neck! The muscles in my neck had gone into full spasm (I have several herniated disks in my cervical spine plus one disk replacement surgery), but I never felt it until I went 8-9 hours without consuming the spray or using the gel.

Now it's Thursday, 6 days post-exertion, and after chiropractic adjustments, acupuncture, and a PT session, my neck muscles have finally calmed down. When you are doing something your body is not ready or prepared to do it gives off pain signals to alert you to stop what you're doing, but if you block those signals with a drug you risk a lot of needless pain and expense.

While I think the product is the best pain med I've ever taken, it really should come with some kind of warning IMO....I'm not the only person who's going to suffer from doing things pain-free while taking Cobroxin that I normally would not do or stop doing as soon as my body tried to warn me that something was amiss.

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05/20/10 9:21 PM

#3317 RE: slbrown #3181

Wall Greens only ordering 3 at a time

Is that three boxes full of the product
or 3 miserly bottles of the gel????

One customer could buy up their stock

Maybe ocho could do with your sales expertise