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01/18/10 3:51 PM

#22861 RE: lwsilvers #22859

My thoughts on ZVTK. Its nice to dream but all predictions are just that. I believe that this stock could be something special indeed but for what its worth I dont believe it will all of a sudden explode and jump to 1000's of percents higher than where it is at. I would think that if it is truly a solid product (which it indeed seems to be) that it will ebb and flow over the following few weeks with gains (and losses) some days of anywhere up to 20 or 30%'s but when looked at over the course of a period of time at least over a month I believe the PPS will continue to rise more than it drops. And go up 2 steps forward... then 1 or so back but always rising in the long run. I think that this is a fantastic opportunity for flipping the stock because it has a VERY consistent rise and fall pattern that is repeated sometimes up to 3 times a day if you bought at the right times. Dont get me wrong however, come February or when PR's come out I believe that the people holding this stock before those days will see a pop of maybe up to 50 or 100% but then it will continue the ebb and flow but hopefully continuing upward. I think the best thing to do would be to hold for now because there will be pops along the way to getting to those "pie in the sky" numbers (that may be possible though a long way off) and everytime a truly significant pop happens and you are up 40% or so I would think pulling out would be best because it will inevitably ebb again as the flippers, weak hands, etc drive the stock price down once again. And then once you (and go with your gut and LOGIC, NOT EMOTION) feel that a base has been established get back in because I believe this stock will be a peaks and valleys ride on its way up.

For all intents and purposes, if this company does HALF of what has been promised, it will be trading much higher than where it is at and leave these .00whatevers behind.

Quality product
Not truly a niche market because technically everyone can benefit from it
A company with relatively low overhead costs (due to its current small size)
A company that was able to climb out of the pinks and is now on OTCBB and obviously doing their best to be legit and keep up with code
A company NOT releasing "fluff" PR's and reporting when a relevant topic is up
A product you can see, touch, (see on TV as well) and order
Home tests on youtube proving the products worth
A HUGE following that seems to be growing (we have been on the top topics on the hub boards for weeks now)
Already a 1.1 million dollar deal with Asia
Possibility of retail in stores
More infomercials being scheduled to air (hence the company is not a one shot wonder thing)
And theres loads more...

All in all I believe this company is on the right track in almost every area (including making sure it had sole rights to the distribution of the bulb) and if it is what it seems to be and it is executed properly and without greed, we could be looking at a PPS years or so down the line of over $1.

But as for a sudden huge explosion to .40's etc... I find this way over the top and though we may see .01's and even .02's by the middle of February due to all the excitement... I dont see that being sustained without an ebb and flow taking over right after.

I put $5,000 in at an avg of .093 and will be leaving that in for at least a year (and more if its way up at that time) because I believe in a gut feeling. In the meantime I am going to pay off all the debt I have accumulated over the last year because I customized my bike and then wrecked it and fixed it, and then see how I feel about the stock by that time and try my hand for the first time at truly flipping a stock.

HUGE potential here. And in my opinion the most exciting stock Ive ever been involved in. Huge potential for flippers, and for longs. But the potential for the biggest gains I think lies in the longs because if this stock were to go over $1, whether a year or so out, I myself would be walking away with $500,000. And I know for a fact there there are WAY larger numbers at play in this stock than me.

Hopefully I'll see you at the top.