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12/12/09 6:30 PM

#2515 RE: TripleL #2499

Few enviornmental advantages using Ecopaper products:

The advantage of Banana, Coffee and Tobacco Paper is that it combines the virtues of using PCW and agricultural waste. The paper is made with less toxic processes, and thus results in less pollution. When You Buy Banana, Coffee and Tobacco Paper You Are Helping To...

Cut Waste
-Paper accounts for 40% of all municipal waste
-Recycled paper means less trash, lower taxes & other disposal costs
-Tons of agricultural waste will not go into rivers and landfills

Save energy
-60-70% energy savings over virgin pulp.
-The paper industry is the 3rd largest user of energy in the U.S.

Protect Natural resources
-The U.S. consumes 100 million tons of paper a year & use is increasing
-Recycled paper uses 55% less water & helps preserve our forests
-Recycling of waste paper creates more jobs

Reduce Pollution
-The paper industry is one of the largest water polluters in the world
-Recycled paper reduces water pollution by 35%, reduces air pollution by 74%, and eliminates many toxic pollutants

From SGDH's Ecopaper website: