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10/06/09 12:14 AM

#227765 RE: Soapy Bubbles #227758

Interesting that you are admitting to lying to everyone in the forum. Will you admit to lying also about the pallets of spongebob sponges sitting in walmart distribution centers? Also, it seems quite a few here are passing around that you have been lying about a definite buyout in the 60 cent range even in the last couple days?
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10/06/09 12:14 AM

#227767 RE: Soapy Bubbles #227758

that was freakin bizarre
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help me

10/06/09 12:16 AM

#227772 RE: Soapy Bubbles #227758

Not good...enough said
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10/06/09 12:16 AM

#227774 RE: Soapy Bubbles #227758

so people buying this stock based on your lies???how many thousands of dollars people lost because of your lies?
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10/06/09 12:17 AM

#227776 RE: Soapy Bubbles #227758

Thats great Soapy! Its nice to know that everything you have said is possibly a lie especially you telling us you are a spnge shareholder. I guess that was a lie as well. This is pathetic!!!
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10/06/09 12:18 AM

#227778 RE: Soapy Bubbles #227758

Well, since you are on a steak of telling the truth, can you tell us if SM had lied to you to the very last second before the suspension and you actually(and unfortunately) have got caught holding millions of shares that are now potentially worthless?
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ID Supermoney

10/06/09 12:18 AM

#227782 RE: Soapy Bubbles #227758

Then why do some of us have our posts limited, who does it the mod or ihub!

If the mod lies does ihub admin lie as well?? Are they going to admit to that as well??

Does not make any sense to lie on the FORUM esp. any mod !!

Conclusion EVERYONE LIES??

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10/06/09 12:21 AM

#227795 RE: Soapy Bubbles #227758

That is a great story Soapy but this is not a chit chat session but a place where people discuss spongeTech and make personal investment decisions based on the information they hear.

It is not your right as moderator to lie and deceive people to see if they will support your personal desires. As a Moderator you can not mange free speech. The fact that you lied to them as the moderator, and admit to it proves you are not qualified for the post.

many people have contacted me about the inside information/mis-information you have given them. Talking about filings being ready to re-assure them that they should stay in the market or upcoming events to convince them to buy. that is what a stock promoter does. They create personal alliances and convince people on a personal level that you are working with them.

Problem is, these people put THEIR Money into a market YOU convinced them to and now you admit you have lied to them all as a test. There is nothing worse that a friend you believe in that lies to you. More so when you told many people about upcoming events that happened. those people can use past history as evidence that what you say today is again - a lie.

I do not expect this post to last as it is clear only you can pontificate off toipic as you are the moderator.
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10/06/09 12:29 AM

#227822 RE: Soapy Bubbles #227758


I can not believe what I am reading.

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10/06/09 12:31 AM

#227828 RE: Soapy Bubbles #227758

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DAOH Trader

10/06/09 12:33 AM

#227836 RE: Soapy Bubbles #227758

It would be hilarious if everyone took you up on that offer.

No one would post on IHUB.
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10/06/09 12:45 AM

#227867 RE: Soapy Bubbles #227758

"Why am I telling you now? Eh, it's the proper time. T"

This is a respectable time? Most people that invested here are scared, confused, dumbfounded, helpless, etc. And you choose tonight to tell everyone you have lied on several occasions? As one of the more respected posters on the board, this is really sad. I don't congratulate you on becoming honest, I think you could have just kept it to yourself. You want a pat on the back for fooling folks?

I see a serious fall out on this board.
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10/06/09 12:50 AM

#227891 RE: Soapy Bubbles #227758

As we've given way to a more psychosocial conversation, I want to openly express my position here and the context with which I choose to frame this situation.

I have never lied to any of you. I have kept every secret asked of me and every post, message and email was either accurate to the best of my knowledge or was my genuine opinion.

I regard many of you here as friends. Others as acquaintances. I care for you and your families.

I believe respect for one another to be the cornerstone of humanity. Lying, in whatever manner, context or extent deconstructs the foundation of community.

And to you, Mr. Bubbles. I commend your straightforwardness, condemn your dishonesty, and have lost a great deal of respect for you.

Here's some DD:
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Max Power

10/06/09 12:58 AM

#227906 RE: Soapy Bubbles #227758

wow, that is a disgusting take on life. i almost feel sorry for you.
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10/06/09 1:00 AM

#227911 RE: Soapy Bubbles #227758

You should be kicked off of I-hub for saying all and lieing to quality spnge invesotrs actually more like jail and not an i-hub jail.
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10/06/09 1:50 AM

#228046 RE: Soapy Bubbles #227758

Egads! I hope you use a proxy! People have been sued for what they posted on ihub. But one point is that people shouldn't buy a stock based on what someone else says. We all have our motives, and the motive is to make money. But every stock has a top and for those not selling at the top, performance won't be optimal. Good luck.
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10/06/09 2:49 AM

#228113 RE: Soapy Bubbles #227758

Can you say "Lawyer"? Or "I love you Bubba"? Better learn.
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10/06/09 5:13 AM

#228131 RE: Soapy Bubbles #227758

Soapy, Thank god I never waisted my time talking to you. I am amazed that you write so seemingly proudly of your lies to try to teach us the big lesson. You are the moderator and that in itself sends a level of trust to people on here.

Good luck with your games in the future!
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10/06/09 6:53 AM

#228137 RE: Soapy Bubbles #227758

Alright Alfie ... you're next. Speak up! - hahahahahha

5x7 hahahahahahahahahah
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10/06/09 6:57 AM

#228138 RE: Soapy Bubbles #227758

The truth at last bubbles....

you must feel instantly cleaner
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Eliot Rosewater

10/06/09 7:03 AM

#228141 RE: Soapy Bubbles #227758

That should be a sticky note on this and every board you moderate.
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10/06/09 7:08 AM

#228142 RE: Soapy Bubbles #227758

You see, it's easy to lie -- it's the cornerstone of iHUB's forums.


Is IHUB aware of this policy?


According to my research there are no french fry factories. Is this another lie? Are you a pumper for french fries?
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10/06/09 7:11 AM

#228143 RE: Soapy Bubbles #227758

Better get an attorney that specializes in 10b-5 violations

if you've bought or sold any SPNG stock in connection with your admitted lying, you have a big exposure.


Oh, and resign as moderator.
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10/06/09 7:19 AM

#228144 RE: Soapy Bubbles #227758

I don't believe you intentionally lied. I do think you are struggling with the fact that you, like all of us, have been wrong on many occassions and this is a sad attempt to massage your ego. Never have I heard of a board moderator whose MO is to lie to seek trust??? That's just silly, maybe stupid. As a moderator do you believe you have supreme knowledge over others? Most people here, at least I would like to think, regardless of whether they are pro or con SPNGE have done some DD, listened to others, and presented their take on the stock. People simply have different perspectives: you know like democrats and republicans. Discussion on differences can be legitimate and both perspectives can have some right and some wrong to it. As others have said, this is both sad and pathetic. Never Mr. Bubbles take someone's honesty, trust, and decentcy so lightly. And most of all never humiliate anyone regardless of how good it might make you feel. Trust people until they prove you wrong - but recognize the difference between honest exchange of differences before you determine trust. Lastly the poor behavior of others does not justify a similar behavior; and, that is difficult to do....
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10/06/09 8:57 AM

#228183 RE: Soapy Bubbles #227758

Wow. If stox or no BS comes out with something like that, I'm really gonna puke!

Is there a public disclaimer about mods anywhere?

xDrew - I read your response....I'd like to say that with the limited conversations we've had, you're ok in my book. fwiw.

Finally...until ALL my money is gone, I believe that SPNG is a legit company with real products, revenues and overall fundamentals. I believe that a LARGE portion of everything that's going on is being planned and calculated by SPNG.
We are watching a fantastic chess match (ie; war)!

Good or bad, we will tell our children and grandchildren about this, and hopefully be able to laugh about it. They are the real treasures in life, not the few bucks we'll make here!
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10/06/09 9:10 AM

#228200 RE: Soapy Bubbles #227758

"And above all, TRUST NO ONE."

...this includes not TRUSTING you as well.....

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10/06/09 9:11 AM

#228202 RE: Soapy Bubbles #227758

What is this, some sort of SEC CYA move? GLTY
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10/06/09 9:14 AM

#228210 RE: Soapy Bubbles #227758

Sick mind.
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10/06/09 9:45 AM

#228264 RE: Soapy Bubbles #227758

Soapy - Well this is truly a sad and pathetic attempt to save face and put some sort of twisted positive lesson learned spin onto what is a blatent admission of disception and unethical behavior. I for one have lost all respect for you and now rank you with the many bashers that have been on this forum. It's not ok to do what you did, no matter how you feel it was "benefiting" people to keep an open mind and to trust no-one. This I-Box is the best on IHub, but apparently that's the only believable action you have committed or said.

I for one hope that you are banned from Moderating any IHub board in the future based on these grounds. I also feel sorry for anyone who used information from you to gain trust in SPNG and therefore build an investing faith around it (myself is included in that group).


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10/06/09 10:12 AM

#228327 RE: Soapy Bubbles #227758

I suppose I can understand your reasoning, but I disagree with it, especially at a time when people are hurting financially and are looking for some hope.

I will say however, "owning a french fry factory" is funny.
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10/06/09 10:19 AM

#228345 RE: Soapy Bubbles #227758

this is more upsetting than the SUSPENSION of spongetech...
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10/06/09 10:54 AM

#228422 RE: Soapy Bubbles #227758

absolutely pathetic
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10/06/09 10:58 AM

#228425 RE: Soapy Bubbles #227758

Soapy: All along, I had no doubts whatsoever that you were in "cahoots" with Alfie and you were his mouthpiece here doing his dirty work. Hopefully the SEC rakes you, him and the rest of your Kool Aid Krew in for something more than a wrist slap.
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10/06/09 11:05 AM

#228432 RE: Soapy Bubbles #227758

WOW...42 replies to a message. Wow.....But yeah, trying to save face for making up BS? This just gets worse and worse. I regret not getting in on the pumping run, but I am sure as heck glad I wasn't in SPNGE now. What a load of shit
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10/06/09 11:19 AM

#228453 RE: Soapy Bubbles #227758

Wow, I will admit that I am very disappointed also. I just read what you had to say and although you are trying to be sincere, I find that that sincerity is clouded. My husband and I have looked to you as to be the most truthful on the board, as we felt that as a moderator you set the standard. Now I am glad that there were those like no bs and z4, Jim and Denise and others whom we have come to trust, to be people of their word. We need people who will stand up and be strong through this time. Not for everyone to fall apart. Whatever your position is in Spnge, we all have to wait for the outcome. I choose to hope for the best and also choose to be honest while doing it.
Mrs Coffee Terri
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10/06/09 11:24 AM

#228458 RE: Soapy Bubbles #227758


It is so sad to see you admit this. You may feel like you are doing us some kind of a favor by posting this, but thinking anyone will just forget about it because you posted is naiive.

I hate to say it, but being on this forum and others has seriously shaken my faith in the American stock market. I just celebrated my 21st birthday yesterday, and one of the observations I will take from my 20th year alive is that "wall street" is not only cold and calculating, but highly corrupt. It is sad when someone so new to investing (about a year) finds himself to be one of the only people he can trust.

As my quote implies, I care a lot about you guys and your dreams and aspirations. I have never lied on this forum, and I have never spun facts or words intentionally in promotion of this stock. For some reason, I thought honest conversation and debate was a possibility - sadly, it seems that's more a romantic idea I had about the markets that is more of a dream.

Good luck to everybody. I've so had it with the lyers (including you bashers) on this forum. On my investment blog, I once wrote a story called "The Scum at the Bottom of the Market," and it was about the bashers on this forum.

It seems the scum goes a lot deeper than I imagined.
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Ogclip ©

10/06/09 11:49 AM

#228515 RE: Soapy Bubbles #227758

I always knew you were a liar! You've lied to me in the past, and I've told others you were a liar, but nobody believed me.. The worst part of it all is that IHUB is so corrupt that I was thrown in IHUB jail for calling you out..

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10/06/09 11:55 AM

#228532 RE: Soapy Bubbles #227758

I guess you dont need to post anymore, lol, AHAHAHAHAAAA!!!!!
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10/06/09 12:21 PM

#228577 RE: Soapy Bubbles #227758

Soapy, OMG... I know no one should blindly believe anyone but as a moderator and supposedly someone that is here to keep a sense of order and civility to the board, this mea culpa basically states that you decieved many ppl that trusted you or might have trusted you in order solely for your own agenda (monetary or otherwise). To lie on purpose to all in an attempt solely to find out if they believed it and talked about it to others, totally disregarding the fact that they probably trusted you and based some of what you said to them on their investment issues? You did this on purpose? Are you serious??
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10/06/09 12:22 PM

#228581 RE: Soapy Bubbles #227758

That may apply to you, but everything I've ever said on a message board has been truthful. You don't have to lie to get ahead. Take a look at the iBox on my board. I'm up over 2,000% for the year through the date shown. I value my integrity far greater than the almighty dollar. Sure glad to have never been a part of this SpongeBob scam .....

"And above all, TRUST NO ONE."
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10/06/09 12:23 PM

#228582 RE: Soapy Bubbles #227758

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El Chingon

10/06/09 12:45 PM

#228623 RE: Soapy Bubbles #227758

FLOL, great advice soapy.

u still holding those .006?

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10/06/09 1:38 PM

#228699 RE: Soapy Bubbles #227758

guys, relax, moar annotation on the way.
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manny t

10/06/09 1:38 PM

#228701 RE: Soapy Bubbles #227758


You have damaged your credibility forever.

I hope it was worth the money you made off the people you lied to.

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10/06/09 1:51 PM

#228719 RE: Soapy Bubbles #227758

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Mos Eisley

10/06/09 2:08 PM

#228754 RE: Soapy Bubbles #227758

I do commend such honestly, at least now. To me, you did nothing wrong. IF the people didn't double check things said or whatnot, that is their fault. At least you came through and told everyone.
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10/06/09 2:29 PM

#228803 RE: Soapy Bubbles #227758

You've been deleting my post everywhere you are mod. The lies and corruption from people like you are the reason America is no longer trusted around the world.

People want to believe that folks have some decency and ethics but people like you turn folks to cynicism and skepticism about our financial markets.

I hope the SEC comes after you big time after what you and AP did on the other board. I lost $15,000 of hard earned money believing that you had true communications with the CEO.

What does it profit a man to gain the whole world but the lose his own soul.

You will not escape the wrath of the Lord.
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10/06/09 3:20 PM

#228893 RE: Soapy Bubbles #227758

This post makes me sick. My heart goes out to all of the people who will suffer :(
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10/06/09 5:25 PM

#229171 RE: Soapy Bubbles #227758

Now, is THAT a lie or the Truth? No one will ever trust you again!!!

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10/06/09 7:50 PM

#229415 RE: Soapy Bubbles #227758

What a con! Don't drop the soap! LOL!
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Shawn Carter

10/06/09 9:52 PM

#229606 RE: Soapy Bubbles #227758


Good one dude!!!!!!!! you ALMOST got me,,,,LOL

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10/07/09 12:46 AM

#229776 RE: Soapy Bubbles #227758

Unfortunately that's not your job Soapy.... even if many like you...what you are decribing in this "Explanation of Guilt" letter...That is NOT yours or any Moderators job, to lie to test people!!! or it shouldnt be... and if it is,There is something very wrong going on here...and I am sure you will get to explain everything to the SEC in their your PM's and many others were sent to the SEC for review.

if SPNGE goes down and shareholders with it, I just hope you have a good lawyer, and are still holding your 17 MIL shares, as you told everybody, because, if you unloaded them meanwhile you were painting a rosie HOLD/DONT SELL will definately get many lawsuits for yourself and iHub....

the problem now after this letter, and I understand some of whats going on...and the rest is hidden from the rest!!!
I cant see how most would trust you, and what you say, especially MOD for any other boards=

I couldnt trust someone who just admitted he lied to you put it.."I have lied to all of you at one time or another"

How would someone know if you were telling the truth or lieing again????????

I hope the truth comes out of all this incredible mess, and if you are inocent than so be it, BUT if you are guilty God help you.....
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10/07/09 2:17 AM

#229821 RE: Soapy Bubbles #227758

Any word on Soapy's resolution. Is he gone or what? It looks like a lawsuit forming??
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10/07/09 3:05 AM

#229831 RE: Soapy Bubbles #227758

Sad and pathetic. Reading those over 70 replies just reinforced my belief that you have ignited the equivalent of an Atomic Bomb on Investors Hub.
You Soapy, gained the trust of several on here. And I hope you someday understand that people are not to be played with or lied to that way. EVER. I got out of SPNG early but my entry and exit was not due to your opinion, but my own DD.

I guess I got lucky.
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10/07/09 8:07 AM

#229887 RE: Soapy Bubbles #227758

well soapy I am funneling all this bs to my lawyer as I hope to get some money from everyone I can of course then again you don't know if Im lying or not as after all this is a message board
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10/12/09 2:26 AM

#234237 RE: Soapy Bubbles #227758

HAH...i rest my case.
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10/12/09 2:38 AM

#234239 RE: Soapy Bubbles #227758

Pump and Dump Schemes

"Pump and dump" schemes, also known as "hype and dump manipulation," involve the touting of a company's stock (typically microcap companies) through false and misleading statements to the marketplace. After pumping the stock, fraudsters make huge profits by selling their cheap stock into the market.

Pump and dump schemes often occur on the Internet where it is common to see messages posted that urge readers to buy a stock quickly or to sell before the price goes down, or a telemarketer will call using the same sort of pitch. Often the promoters will claim to have "inside" information about an impending development or to use an "infallible" combination of economic and stock market data to pick stocks. In reality, they may be company insiders or paid promoters who stand to gain by selling their shares after the stock price is "pumped" up by the buying frenzy they create. Once these fraudsters "dump" their shares and stop hyping the stock, the price typically falls, and investors lose their money.
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12/01/09 6:01 PM

#264953 RE: Soapy Bubbles #227758

I missed this one

You see, it's easy to lie -- it's the cornerstone of iHUB's forums. People wander in on stocks like SPNG and use crafted words to see what people are thinking, doing, and other actions associated with forums. Since most people are keenly aware of such things, I will make outlandish statements (like being rich, in RME, owning a french fry factory, all sorts of junk) as to gauge the forum. In that way I can serve those who are serious about learning, want to chat about SPNG, and contribute info to the iBOX. In short, it's a weeding out process to see "who's who".

Now -- this has a complex implication. I have lied to all of you at one time or another to "gauge" you; just as described as above. From such lies I have learned who to trust, who to form friendships, who to be wary of, and other details along the same lines of thought. In fact, I even lied about FINRA's approval of the RS IN FORUM on a SUNDAY to see who fell along a respective party line. That's apparent now and people can see the divisions generated by such lying.

Do I ever tell the truth? Sure, when suitable. Do I regret having to play such infantile games and spread lies in forum? Sure. But, hey, this is a forum and nothing here is to be trusted or considered sacred. The only viable part of this entire forum is the iBOX -- of which I attempt (with others) to document SPNG in a somewhat engaging and visual way. So, if you value anything in this forum, then value the iBOX.

Now you may be wondering if I lied to you. The answer is "yes". I've lied to your face on certain occasions. Now for that, eh, I don't enjoy doing nor take pleasure in it. But as you see, it casts light upon the forum for all to see.

Nonetheless, I am being genuine in being a moderator. I truly do believe the moderator position on such a busy/crazy/insane stock is an honor and enjoyable. I like bringing all the info together in one spot -- it's a creative exercise people can rally around and FINALLY enjoy iHUB.

Why am I telling you now? Eh, it's the proper time. Take everything you hear w/ a grain of salt. (Wadi does a good job of this.) Be very aware who you're chatting with. Pay attention to "who's who". If you can, you will be successful in a stock like SPNG or any other stock w/ an iHUB forum.

And above all, TRUST NO ONE.
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05/05/10 7:35 PM

#316178 RE: Soapy Bubbles #227758

Here's a flashback to the "not so distant SPNG past"......
