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09/30/09 3:41 PM

#18279 RE: Eli's Gone #18273

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Summary: Waste-to-Energy

The PLASMA ARC FLOW(TM) process gasifies a number of liquid wastes into usable byproducts. These byproducts include: a gaseous fuel known as MagneGas(TM), heat, carbon precipitates and sterile effluent liquid that is under development for organic liquid fertilizer or irrigation water. MagneGas is a cost competitive and clean burning fuel that is essentially interchangeable with Natural Gas or it can be mixed with Natural Gas. It has the lowest Green House gas emissions when compared to fossil fuel. The refinery has no odor or noise pollution as it runs quietly in a completely sealed environment. The fuel can be used for metal cutting, cooking, heating, or powering natural gas bi fuel automobiles.

MagneGas™ Fuel Can be Used to:

Power Natural Gas Automobiles
Metal Cutting
Water Heating
Home Heating

The technology is called Plasma Arc Flow(TM) (patents and numerous international patents pending) and it is based in flowing the liquid waste through a submerged electric arc between coal electrodes. The arc decomposes the liquid molecules into atoms and forms a plasma around the tips of the electrodes at about 10,000° F. The Plasma Arc Flow moves the plasma away from the electrodes and controls the formation of MagneGas that bubbles to the surface for collection. In this way the liquid waste is converted into MagneGas, sterile liquid effluent and carbonaceous precipitates collected in a strainer for periodical removal.

The Plasma Arc Flow technology convert's most liquid waste into a clean fuel called MagneGas. MagneGas is a cost competitive synthetic gas made from many liquid wastes such as sewage, sludge, animal manure, glycerin, used antifreeze, some oil based liquids and waste water. MagneGas is a hydrogen based fuel that has a combination of hydrogen, carbon monoxide and inert trace gases.

The revolutionary Plasma Arc Flow(TM) recycler creates this natural gas alternative, which can power cars, cooking grills, industrial equipment, and homes. The machine uses a patented electrical process to decompose the liquid waste molecules into atoms, and the atoms are then recombined into MagneGas.

MagneGas exhaust has been certified by an automotive laboratory accredited with the E.P.A. to surpass all E.P.A. requirements without a catalytic converter, and is the only fuel that produces oxygen when it burns, making it dramatically cleaner than gasoline, diesel, and natural gas. MagneGas is composed of hydrogen (55-65%), carbon monoxide (30-35%), carbon dioxide (1-2%), water vapor (2%), and trace gases (0.5-1%).

The technology is based on specially designed reactors, commercially referred to as "PlasmaArcFlow(TM) Recyclers." These reactors are capable of recycling water-base liquid waste (such as city, farm or ship sewage and sludge, used antifreeze etc.) or certain oil-base liquid waste into a new clean burning fuel called "MagneGas(TM)".

The recyclers are divided into three different types:

I) "Total Recyclers" that are intended for the maximum conversion of liquid to fuel. The waste is converted into MagneGas and a carbon deposit that is under development for the production of electrodes or other uses.

II) "Linear Recyclers" that are intended for the sterilization of bio-contaminated liquid wastes (such as city or ship sewage) via its single passage through one or more electric arcs. This results in the production of MagneGas, carbon precipitates, plus sterilized liquid that can be processed further via industrially available filters and other systems to produce final effluent as clean as requested by local environmental requirements.

III) "Total-Linear Recyclers" for the processing of farm manure and ship or city sludge via their treatment in the Total Mode until the entire liquid is sterilized and its solid content is carbonized. The liquid is then processed in the Linear Mode for the removal of carbonized solids and completes other processes as may be required by local environmental authorities. This process results in MagneGas, carbon precipitants plus sterilized liquid that can be processed further via industrially available filters and other systems to produce final effluent to meet local environmental requirements.

Magnegas(TM) fuel was shown by EPA accredited laboratory analysis results to be suitable for use as automotive fuel without catalytic converters while surpassing all current EPA requirements for combustion exhaust emissions, as shown below.

Element MagneGas (MG) Natural Gas Gasoline EPA Standards
Hydro-carbons 0.026 gm/mi 0.380 gm/mi
2460% of MG emission 0.234 gm/mi
900% of MG emission 0.41 gm/mi
Carbon Monoxide 0.262 gm/mi 5.494 gm/mi
2096% of MG emission 1.965 gm/mi
750% of MG emission 3.40 gm/mi
Nitrogen Oxides 0.281 gm/mi .732 gm/mi
260% of MG emission 0.247 gm/mi
80% of MG emission 1.00 gm/mi
Carbon Dioxide 235 gm/mi 646.503 gm/mi
275% of MG emission 458.655 gm/mi
195% of MG emission No EPA standard exists for Carbon Dioxide
Oxygen 9%-12% 0.5%-0.7%
0.04% of MG emission 0.5%-0.7%
0.04% of MG emission No EPA standard exists for Oxygen

The data were obtained using a Honda Civic adapted to run on natural gas and used with Magnegas without any change in timing and stochiometric ratio. The data on gasoline were obtained via the use of an identical Honda Civic running on gasoline. All data were obtained using the complex EPA routine simulating various city and mountain driving conditions.

The quality of MagneGas exhaust is dramatically better than that of natural gas and gasoline. Magnegas exhaust is much lower than EPA requirements; has about 50% less green gases (CO2) than gasoline exhaust; and contains 9% to 12% oxygen. Based on these measurements, it is postulated that MagneGas fuel can be used as an additive to fossil fuels to improve their exhaust characteristics. In first approximation it is now possible to pre-select the desired improvement of fossil fuels exhaust and then compute the needed percentage of Magnegas as additive from the above table.

To view an independent certification of Magnegas Exhaust, please visit this link.

Certification by the Florida Radiation Protection Associates that PlasmaArcFlow Recyclers release no radiation.

Activities discussed in this website require local, state and federal regulatory and environmental permits.

NOTE 1: MagneGas Refineries USE electricity for the production of a clean burning, gaseous fuel. This fuel is ideal for metal cutting/welding and use in bi-fuel automobiles. The fuel is cost competitive in the metal cutting and welding market. However to be cost competitive in the automotive and natural gas market, large refineries will be required. In addition, large fluctuations in the price of gasoline and natural gas will impact the ability for Magnegas to be competitive in these markets. MagneGas can be used to produce green electricity, but the electricity generated is always LESS than the originally used one at the current stage of development of the technology due also to the inefficiencies of electric generators. The upgrading of the technology for the production of electricity via arc induced carbon combustion is under development.

NOTE 2: MagneGas can be used in all existing GASOLINE engines with modification and regulatory approval but CANNOT be used in a diesel engine since MagneGas requires a spark for combustion and does not ignite under compression.

NOTE 3: Our technology provides "MagneGas Fuel Refineries" that, as such, cannot be legally or profitably operated unless utmost priority is given to the use and/or sale of MagneGas fuel for automotive, metal cutting, cooking, and other approved uses.

NOTE 4: Liquid waste with different compositions (such as oil-base wastes, water-base wastes, bio-wastes, etc.) require different MagneGas Refineries due to the need of different peripheral equipment's, such as centrifuges, electrocoagulation, filters, etc.. The technology is industrially ready now for a number of most important liquid wastes but specialty wastes require customer investment for optimization.

NOTE 5: The company cannot release any additional information besides that available in this website unless visitors provide: A) The identification of the sale and/or use of the MagneGas fuel; B) The identification of the liquid waste with an MSDS form; and C) The identification of its daily volume.

NOTE 6: Automobiles running on natural gas require a minor adjustment to the oxygen sensor and pressure regulator to run on Magnegas. Regulatory approval is required.

NOTE 7:The Magnegas Refinery can process a number of liquid wastes. However, due to the large variety of available liquid waste, the company must run a test with the actual suggested liquid prior to release of any data. Additionally, any test requires the approval of the local environmental protection agency and other regulatory agencies.

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09/30/09 3:44 PM

#18281 RE: Eli's Gone #18273

Envirotek – Distributor of the Magnegas Plasma ArcFlow(TM) Sewage Recycler:

MagneGas Corporation is a Public Company:
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