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09/09/09 11:53 PM

#3215 RE: electaku #3214

It doesn't have to be

But when you are announcing initial production run...followed by freebie give aways and fund raisers, where are the sales?

There were no sales 5/6-6/30 per filed report. We were told product(s) were going through approval process? I've not heard they've been "approved" yet for the certification, maybe I missed that PR. Without that certification, I find it hard to market/promote in fashion company initially desired.

I would suspect if they had an order from a retailer/distributor of some substance they would PR it. They seem to PR most things, I wouldn't expect them to keep that silent. It is possible they could be under a NDA and can't disclose the sale. Private labeling can provide initial sales, but it doesn't build a "brand". Always subject to being thrown under the bus or subject to cost demands with private labeling.

I commend the give back and freebies, it can be an effective form of advertising (but it does cost money - product, travel (hotel/per diem/etc.), salaries, etc.)

You typically don't use the PR LOC money for such things; that is usually for fulfillment of orders (customer inventory) and to finance receivables.

I believe GRBG will have a run (regardless of its "integrity" or fundamentals) and for those looking to make $$ (selling the stock) the opportunity will likely be there again. That's the plan for most right - just make money - whatever means - kinda sick as most don't have an "integrity" code you speak of.

Good luck, be careful, don't invest more then can afford to lose or sleep at night (realizing it could drop 40% next morning - don't think that will happen here). If want to make "real money" get a enjoyable job; otherwise study, learn, and listen to rational contrarian views (pro/con) and become good at learning difference between trading (short periods) and investing (longer periods) especially with such stocks as pk and bb (OTCs).