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08/18/09 4:01 PM

#80549 RE: follylama #80544

All reasonable points, however most seniors would agree Medicare, "socialized" medicine, is a success and SOCIAL Security, another "socialized" program, is a success - both gov't run, and both a success.
Part of the problem with the health care reform discussion is there is not ONE plan to debate pros/cons...Would Pres Obama have been better off shoving something down the throat of pols and then hashing out the differences? I don't think so and although it may not be working well for him YET, I like giving ALL parties the opportunity to offer their ideas. If the party of just say no continues to just say no, then another avenue will be explored but I feel comfortable Obama will get something and change today's way of delivering health care - which all, except lobbyists for insurance corps, agree does not work well.
Your comment about the "industry secret" regarding those who administer wrong meds was interesting.
Regarding a panel of experts putting a health care plan together, I believe there was expert input although I don't know what disciplines were represented. Again, when one party is determined to just say no, it's tough (read: impossible) for the country to make progress. I still can't get over Repub Sen Grassley (Iowa) jumping on the Palin "death panel" you know, in 2003 Grassley was Chair of the Senate Finance Committee Grassley and supported end-of-life consultation when he helped get Bush's Medicare Part D passed - a plan, btw, with absolutely NO provision for how it'll be paid for.

Stay well...enjoy the last weeks of summer. It's 98degrees here today; I've had enough of the tropical weather and wish I was still on Cape Cod.

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08/18/09 4:26 PM

#80550 RE: follylama #80544

So what's the cost of an amputation and rehab? If it's fewer than 50K I'd be pleasantly surprised. It certainly costs more for our veterans or do you think he meant just the actual hacking of the leg off without OR, anesthesia, medicine, and rehab.

Do you know how much drugs costs just to prevent infection?
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08/25/09 2:45 PM

#80766 RE: follylama #80544

Hospital Industry Will Net $16 Billion From Health Reform, Let Medicare Find More Savings

...........I hope this is enough your Folly !

Lots of it is directly related to shoe-string budgets, and short staffing, but that's the reality. Clearly, hospitals have to act more like efficient businesses, and efficiency is a major problem, but ANY reform has got to return solvency to the hospital system. Obama's plan does not do that and will probably create greater financial strain -- by cutting Medicare payments to hospitals by 5%, and passing down a greater share of Medicaid costs to the already cash strapped states.