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08/30/04 8:59 AM

#9975 RE: Bo14172 #9974

CMKX, READ THIS POST!!! .................................................................................................................................................................................... Post by pattreko thats a must read!

By: pattreko0
29 Aug 2004, 06:21 PM EDT
Msg. 73937 of 74136
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***CMKX: This is the End***

Does everybody remember this statement which may or may not have been speculation: "Urban said that CMKX will be at .50 to .60 cents even without the covering of the naked short position!" As a team we have come up with many theories as to how this bold statement would eventually manifest itself as truth. Time and doubt has led many shareholders astray because of all these trials and potential disasters that the CMKX boards have suggested to us. Each one of us has been strengthened by these trials, or weakened to the point of selling off all our shares out of fear. This emotional rollercoaster has driven us to highs and lows daily, and in the end there is a life lesson to be learned from all of this. That, however, is beyond the context of this post. So, remember that little quote from above about what Urban said about 3-4 months ago. The big question is going to be how Urban could say such a thing, and what did we not know at the time or currently know that would provide some evidence to back up this statement.
REMEMBER: Urban says "Hold all your shares!"

In June we are made aware of Roger Glenn who was hired "in connection with securities and corporate issues faced by the its desire to become fully reporting once again." Mnay of us assumed that the "securities" issue related to the naked short position and the "corporate" issue related to the status of becoming "fully-reporting." If CMKX were to become fully-reporting what are some variables that could be resolved because of this. Well, there is all the basics such as revenue, net income, etc. The most important, however, will be the land valuation.
REMEMBER: Follow the PRs...they tell all!

Immediately after Roger Glenn signs on, we are suddenly aware of positive results for diamondiforous kimberlite. Super! So, we already have diamonds. It's interesting how Roger signs on all of a sudden a few days later we have diamonds. It is by no means a coincidence. It has been planned this way. The only problem is that there ends up being a halt on our joint venture partners ticker because of something relating to unequal distribution of information since CMKX PRed, but the JVs did not. This was unplanned so a disappointing PR is released through Stockhouse or Stockwatch. We end up hearing about a few little diamonds found in a couple of samples, but, the rest of the samples are locked away in a secure warehouse. Guess what!? The plan in action that started when Roger Glenn came on isn't ready to reveal the real diamonds to the world, but just a little warning that there are diamonds. And our JV partners are allowed to trade, again.
REMEMBER: The plan has been set in motion, but the time hasn't come to reveal everything, yet!

The next PR we were given, besides the one about the message board being shut down, was the results of the Goldak Airborne Survey. Logically, what does the Survey have the ability to do for CMKX. Well, it tells us very specifically what all the land contains within its boundaries. By knowing what is contained within the ground and to what degree it is distributed what can we now derive. BINGO! Land valuation!!! Urban gives us some good news and warns the other guys, "For the first time in the history of diamond exploration in the Fort a' la Corne area, a complete and comprehensive magnetic picture of the whole area is available to the company." Urban is saying get ready - here is the big one!
REMEMBER: Hundreds of magnetic anomalies were able to be identified!

The next PR we find out about Pacific Stock Transfer. This situation ends up being an emotional rollercoaster for all shareholders who are riding on the O/S and what it might be. Joel calls up IBC radio and says he called Pacific Stock Transfer. Joel is greatly disappointed to hear that 1st Global Stock Transfer has sent Pacific Stock Transfer the O/S number: 400 Billion. Joel sells off and the public is greatly distressed. MMs take advantage and drop the price of CMKX. Melvin calls into IBC radio and says this is not true, and "don't believe it unless you see it in a PR!" However, the damage is done. The basher campaign has truly set in, and the seeds of doubt have been planted for the long-term. The emotional rollercoaster begins to reach a positive peak, again, when we found out that the 400 billion O/S number wasn't certified and was sent by an unknown source. Relax, everybody! CMKX picks up their boxes, and returns to 1st Global Stock Transfer. This was another curveball in the ultimate plan.
REMEMBER: U.S. Canadian Minerals retains Pacific Stock Transfer as their transfer agent. This isn't a hint, this is a smack in the face.

"CMKM Diamonds Launches National Television Exposure and Awareness Campaign"
Why in the world should CMKX do this. I know why: so that Urban can finish up diluting the O/S fully until there is nothing left. Then go spend the money on racing, and hot dogs for shareholders. WRONG! Truth: Urban's plan has been set in motion - Urban is a kind soul - Urban wants to share the future wealth of CMKX with as many people as possible - Urban wants to advertise the future product - Urban loves racing and has used his ingenious mind to combine his passion and his goals!
REMEMBER: Urban has fully exposed himself to world...this is no scam!


CMKM Diamonds, Inc. Announces Dividend to Shareholders of Record Date and Option Agreement
CMKM Diamonds, Inc., to invest in Casavant International Mining, Inc. Declares Dividend For Shareholders
CMKM Diamonds Inc. Acquires Additional Interests in Saskatchewan
CMKM Diamonds Inc. Receives First $3,000,000 from UCAD Option
CMKM Diamonds Inc. Purchases 25% of Juina Mining
CMKM Diamonds Inc. Announces Dividend of Juina Mining Shares
CMKM Diamonds, Inc. Converges on Saskatchewan Drill Target

Oh, my GOD!!! UCAD dividend, CIM dividend, 60% interest of 500,000 acres, $$$, Juina Mining dividend, and drilling on a kimberlite pipe which is connected to DeBeers kimberlite pipe. Sounds like something Urban and Glenn came up with while fishing in Saskatchewan while downing a few beers. WRONG! This is big! This is real big!!! The simplest explanation would refer to a merger in the making. Why not just merge? Here's why: this story is going to be a novel someday, and how many pages would it fill if there weren't all these fine details. So, the more dramatic this story can be the better!
REMEMBER: CMKX owns some UCAD, UCAD owns some CMKX, Nevada Minerals own some CMKX, UCAD owns some Nevada Minerals, UCAD owns some Juina, CMKX owns some Juina...

Does everybody remember this statement which may or may not have been speculation: "Urban said that CMKX will be at .50 to .60 cents even without the covering of the naked short position!" This statement sounds like a statement with lots of confidence in it. If CMKX gave us a cash dividend the naked shorts would feel some pain, but they would not be forced to cover. So, even though, it would hurt there are no guarantees. From the Edwards and Angells website we find some interesting points. They specialize in Mergers and Acquisitions and they have ways of forcing the covering of naked short positions. BINGO!!! D. Roger Glenn, CMKM's counsel, stated, "I will be traveling to Saskatchewan with the company's management to expand my knowledge of the company and its business in order to facilitate the company becoming fully reporting."

SSShhhhhh. Why is everything so quiet? Why did Melvin, basically, disappear? Why does it seem like there is so much we need to know about, but we aren't hearing everything? Why is the PPS dropping? None of this matters because the plan is moving along just fine. How will CMKX be at .50 - .60 without the covering of the naked short position?...
D. Roger Glenn, CMKM's counsel, stated, "I will be traveling to Saskatchewan with the company's management to expand my knowledge of the company and its business in order to facilitate the company becoming fully reporting."
LAND VALUATION / O/S = .50 - .60 a share!!! Oh, my GOD!!! Could it be. And why will the shorts have to pay this to those who choose to hold. Here's why: because they are going to be forced into it! The naked shorts simply can't merge into the entity which we are about to witness firsthand. Can you say IPO? Goodbye, pink sheets.
REMEMBER: Sssshhhh, the time is coming...this is the end!!!

Review - This is the plan...

(1) CMKM Diamonds, Inc. Announces It Has Retained D. Roger Glenn, Partner at Edwards & Angell, LLP as Securities Counsel

(2) CMKM Diamonds Inc. Announces 'Carolyn Pipe' Lab Results Confirm Diamondiferous Kimberlite

(3) CMKM Diamonds, Inc. Announces Preliminary Results from Goldak Airborne Magnetic Survey of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

(4) CMKM Diamonds Launches National Television Exposure and Awareness Campaign

(5) Dividends

(6) D. Roger Glenn, CMKM's counsel, stated, "I will be traveling to Saskatchewan with the company's management to expand my knowledge of the company and its business in order to facilitate the company becoming fully reporting."

(7) Silence

(8) The Valuation, fully-reporting, merger, covering of the naked shorts, IPO

(9) Las Vegas celebration because we have something to celebrate!!!

...That's all for now, everybody!!! I hope you are still part of the team....everything stated above which did not come from a PR is IMO. Also, I did not reread this for errors, so go easy on me. I wanted to put this out now, as opposed to later. All comments are welcome!!!



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