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06/19/09 8:38 PM

#10610 RE: Rawnoc #10603

Who Are You Going To Trust?
Adam Brochert
June 17, 2009

As the debt collapse continues and bankers and governments
become desperate to save the system that allows them to
continue to lead the lifestyle to which they have become
accustomed, trust will break down much further than it
already has.
Desperate men and women should not be trusted to do the right
thing and yet most still look to the desperate to do
something other than save their own skins.

Who do you trust to fix this problem and/or point you in
the right direction as an investor:

Do you trust your government?
Do you trust the non-federal, for-profit, private federal reserve corporation?
Do you trust Wall Street?
Do you trust insurance companies and other 401k custodians?
Do you trust CNBC?

"You have to choose [as a voter] between trusting to the
natural stability of [G]old and the natural stability
and intelligence of the members of the government.
And with due respect to these gentlemen, I advise you,
as long as the capitalist system lasts, to vote for [G]old."

George Bernard Shaw

Once you accept that this is not a run-of-the-mill recession
and that an economic depression just like the 1930s
has begun, it is not hard to see what comes next.
Leaving your money in a 401k stock mutual fund and hoping
for the best is not a reasonable options.
If you are not convinced, perhaps the new leg down in this
vicious cyclical bear market, which has already begun,
will convince you.

The primary goal in such a scenario for conservative investors
is to try to maintain what you've earned/saved (i.e. not
lose most of it) and to get out of debt.
The best options to achieve these goals from an investment
standpoint are cash and Gold. But as the 1933 government-
decreed cash devaluation showed, your U.S. Dollar cash is
not safe in the longer term.
Gold, on the other hand, is the ultimate form of cash
because it cannot be debased and requires no faith in
the government to do the right thing. Gold is money and
is a global currency, not a commodity.

Those who would sell you on the benefits of the stock market
and "staying the course" are the same ones who claim they
never saw this coming (and I unfortunately believe many of
These are also the people who would sell you paper Gold
and tell you that it is the same as holding physical
Gold without all the hassle or risk.
For example, JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs are a few of
the banker custodians for the GLD ETF.

There are now confirmed reports that the Canadian Royal Mint
is missing some of its Gold, for reasons currently unknown.
I am happy to assume that this is an honest mistake, just
as I am happy to assume Wall Street and the banking system
didn't know giving home loans to anyone with a pulse
regardless of credit risk would not cause problems down
the road.
This doesn't change the point that we are all responsible
for our own financial security.

"If you don't trust [G]old, do you trust the logic of taking
a beautiful pine tree, worth about $4,000 - $5,000, cutting
it up, turning it into pulp and then paper, putting some
ink on it and then calling it one billion dollars?"

Kenneth J. Gerbino

Gold can protect your wealth but your wealth is not safe
in the stock market, corporate bond market, or real estate.
Commodities will do very poorly in a deflationary collapse,
but will do well if the U.S. Dollar is dethroned as the
world's reserve currency.
Though the U.S. Dollar will lose its reserve currency status
at some point, it is not at all a certainty in the next year
and the damage that will likely be done to commodity prices
in the mean time will soon leave people hoping to get back
to the November, 2008 lows.

Gold is the easy, no-brainer play for this environment.
Most who study markets are familiar with the saying to the
effect that "cash is king in a bear market" and "cash is
king during deflation."
Gold is the best form of cash in the current environment
and has a built in insurance policy against a significant
U.S. Dollar currency devaluation.

Many who understand the potential for the Gold price to move
higher don't understand that by using paper proxies for
actual physical Gold coins and bars, they are actually
hurting the Gold bull.
Bankers would like nothing more than for people to accept
paper proxies for actual physical metal.
How many paper claims per physical ounce of Gold are there
in the world?
Central banksters around the world hold more physical Gold
than anyone and they will always prefer it remains that way.
They know that he/she who holds the actual Gold makes
the rules.

I don't think people should plan on holding a significant
amount of physical Gold forever, but in times like these,
a portion of one's savings belongs in actual physical
pieces of Gold metal.
Once the Dow to Gold ratio gets to 2 or less (i.e.
the "price" of the Dow Jones divided by the price of
one ounce of Gold quoted in U.S. Dollars), this will be
the time to consider trading most of one's Gold for
another opportunity.
And for those who want to increase their wealth while
others are having their wealth destroyed, Gold stocks
will far outperform the price of Gold and a fresh
buying opportunity is only a few months away.

Visit Adam Brochert's blog:

Gold chart TA TI LT strong bull run :-)

The price of gold can be volatile in the short term,
gold has always maintained its value over the LT long term.
Through the 1000s years, it has served as a hedge
against inflation
and the erosion of major fiatz currencies, and
thus is an investment well worth considering.. :-) ..

Gold is strategic long term safety :-)
ex..strategic penny gold play....

God Bless