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04/18/09 9:59 PM

#11500 RE: View Finder #11498

You are welcome. It was a great call and there were some hard questions. I look forward to the next PR. John now understands the importance or a well-written PR, one that is factual, truthful, and, most importantly, forward looking without pumping. We need to get past the fact that the equipment had problems. That is in the past. It is important to understand how we can increase our annual production. And, I think John's comments regarding who actually pulls the strings in SL were eye-opening to us all. That is why the ag-business is very important there. The tribal chiefs call the shots. Make them happy, and everyone is happy. Feed and pay their tribes and they are happy. Answers to all questions in the morning.
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View Finder

04/21/09 10:10 AM

#11539 RE: View Finder #11498

Here are some notes and a comment based on my participation on the call. This was a very worth while effort.

• Gagged TA
o BoD not interested at this time of ungagging the TA due to the following:
The company is small and not geared up for the activity. When it was established it was not the intent to enable anyone to call to inquire – it was a pink – period.
This will change and in fact may not be necessary as they upgrade status with the SEC and begin filing Qtrly 10Ks’ – about to become a moot point.

• Communications
o They clearly understand the need to communicate to shareholders in more detail. Apparently this point was made clear during the previous CC.
o They have engaged a skill set on contract to improve this through future PR’s and FR’s. In fact John has asked to hear comments after the upcoming PR. I agreed to provide the feedback based on the quality and completeness of content
o Expect to see a new and improved PR within the week, possibly as early as before the end of this week.

• Paramount Chiefs
o This was an enlightening discussion and much time was spent on the necessity of the need to develop and maintain these relationships. Apparently, these individuals can ‘make or break’ ANYONE.
The SL Government defers to the ‘Paramount Chief’ (the is a reason for the descriptor ‘Paramount’) to enable or disable business relationships within their respective territories or regions or domains. It is of upmost importance to develop a solid working relationship with them.
o John took great pains to detail some of the history and how much confidence Doug has developed over the years he has been working there. This is clearly in our benefit – and more than likely an intangible asset. This is how Doug, on behalf of SGCP has been able to secure the leases and concessions that he has. He also indicated that these leases are 20 year leases and have been renewed each year to restart the 20 year clock.
o And yes, he developed relationships with not just the Chiefs but also their respective families.
o The lesson learned here was worth the price of the CC. This connected a lot of dots of how business is done in SL and the developed strength of SGCP.

• Production
o After developing an understanding of the how business is done in SL and then listening to the issues of production, or a lack thereof, things then begin to make more sense. After all, we are in SL, and we are bringing together many moving parts at the same time, or at least trying to, after a civil war. It appears that progress is being made and albeit not as fast as everyone had initially thought, IT IS going forward – and looks to be very promising.
o As was mentioned in an earlier post, production is taking place however we are only able to capture approximately 50% of the gold ore per the assay results. This is due to the equipment being used. We need equipment that can extract gold ore from small particulate (sand size and smaller) and our equipment is capable of only capturing at this time larger pieces, or small nuggets. However, the ore that is being excavated at this point is not going to waste. It is being stockpiled for re-processing at a later time when the new equipment is on-line. This is the equipment that was mentioned earlier requiring an expenditure of approximately $150,000. This will operate during the rainy season so as to keep production going during the rainy season. So, our days of dry spells during the rainy season are gone. Also, because the equipment that is currently online cannot keep up with the mining currently taking place, This equipment will also function during the rainy season and contribute. That is my take on the production issues for the gold.
o I was pleasantly surprised to learn of the diamonds being extracted. They are finding colored diamonds in an area known for them, Zimi. Apparently we are only scratching the surface here and have a few larger (3 – 5 Ct) colored diamonds already identified. If I recall they are either yellow, canary or both with green also. In addition, rubies have been extracted. There was also the mention of platinum on the properties as well. It is clear this is a very mineral rich group of properties in our inventory.

•SEC Filings
As Roberto mentioned earlier, John has his own shares that he has purchased plus an additional 9.5 million shares that are restricted.
If I recall, he did not know how many shares Doug had.
He mentioned also that he has loaned money to SGCP, approximately $100,000 and he is not taking a salary either.
They intend to file with the SEC in the June July time frame
They intend to provide audited financials in early May for 2008.
They are currently breaking even to maybe making a small profit
•My opinion
Given what we have here, a start up beyond ‘proof of concept’, I think the concept is proven – mining in SL and making money at it. And with improvements in production via technology – making a lot of money. Not having been in the mining business at all before this venture – but having raised money via the venture markets and having a company I gave birth to trade on the NASDQ, I have seen this movie, and bringing this to ‘production is a BIG DEAL. This takes it beyond ‘Proof of Concept’. It’s a very complicated but simple process, with a lot of moving parts. Patience is required as with any start up. A trust in Management is required as well. Given where we are with what they’ve got – and have had to work with, this company has a lot of potential and a very bright future ahead of it. Given Doug’s established relationships with the Paramount Chiefs, I think SGCP will not only be a positive investment for its shareholders but also withstand any political rough waters that may lie ahead. I encourage everyone to take part in the upcoming conference calls. John and I had a discussion regarding the utilization of an open conference call line widely used by many businesses offered by AT&T enabling an unlimited number of people to participate. He is very much in favor of this. The only issue then becomes answering all of the questions because you can only hear one or two people at a time on these things. So he is considering the use of emails of questions to him for answering them.