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03/20/09 3:30 PM

#761 RE: *~1Best~* #758

Driving Season - will not be strong. Not many will be on spending spree and will be traveling.

While many will be under the financial pressure, Energy cost is rising faster than Job Growth % and prospect of job growth. e.g. Oil price went up 40% while markets rallied 20%.

50% of Americans are two paychecks away from going broke. American wealth is not what it used to be, just a few years ago.


We do not have R.E. recovery yet. There are many who are going through detrimental financial trouble, and it will take more time to recover from the current economic crisis and the recent hyperbole price action is unreasonable.
Spring Sale: Home Sellers May Flood the Market Soon

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03/26/09 4:57 PM

#873 RE: *~1Best~* #758

TAKE SHOWER: the kind of shower you take after you have been exposed to the Ebola virus or a leak at a nuclear power plant

Schork Oil Outlook: The Bulls Will Run Out Of Gas

| 26 Mar 2009 | 10:54 AM ET

Before we dissect yesterday’s DOE report we want to comment on the recent strength in the energies.

We want to be clear on this matter… we do not believe in it. We are unconvinced that the bulls have the staying power to keep it up as it were… in the long-term that is. In the short-term anything is possible.

That is why we have had to switch our bias in our shorter views.

We did not want to do it, but the market forced our hand. In fact, we had to take a shower after we switched. And, we are not talking a normal shower, but rather, the kind of shower you take after you have been exposed to the Ebola virus or a leak at a nuclear power plant. As discussed in today’s issue of The Schork Report, once again the DOE hardly provided any ammo for the bulls, nor did anyone who spoke to the industry last week in Vienna at OPEC’s International Seminar.

Near term fundamentals are bearish. It is that simple.

In this regard, there is a perverted sort of logic taking hold in the market. We all know that in economics low prices are the cure for low prices. Thus, the current low price environment in the short run is discouraging investment in supply and therefore setting the table for significantly higher prices in the long run. The problem is, some pundits are taking these long-run supply destruction scenarios and compressing them into the short-run in order to spin a bullish case for buying energy and sucker even more buyers into this market. Just like they did last year at this time.

In the long run, i.e. once demand to this market returns and the U.S. administration has failed to turn the world’s biggest economy from one based on hydrocarbons to one based on tofu, price will act accordingly.

However, for now, with global demand in the doldrums and the world swimming in oil, the current price run in oil is an aberration.

We do not think it will last… in a logical world. However, in illogical world, i.e. Wall Street, there is no telling how long it can last. After all, yesterday’s give back notwithstanding, there is no denying the bullish riptide, whether we are talking commodities or equities. People are in a buying mood.

The Schork Group recently moved into new offices, and although we do not have all of the accouterments of the self-important Wall Street types… an antique commode on legs, a shoeshine stand manned by an affable elderly gentleman (who looks like a heavier version of Wilfred Brimley) and a commissioned mural of the Last Supper (with Mr. Schork replacing John to the right of Jesus)… we do have lots of televisions. We have never had that before. It has been an eye opening experience for us. As Yogi would say, you can observe a lot by watching.

That is, when we are not watching sports or porn, we are usually watching CNBC, et al. Apropos the current strength in the market, the common refrain amongst traders and analysts interviewed on these shows goes something like this… I don’t believe in this market’s strength, but I want to participate while it lasts.

Got that? Traders are so desperate that they are now buying, not on fundamentals, but rather on fear of missing out before this market heads back into the toilet.

Our concern is this: with each passing session it appears more traders are encouraged to “participate”, hence, the market keeps moving higher. That happens enough times and soon you have $100 oil and Matt Simmons all over the tube alleging the Saudis are doctoring their books and that Petrobras and ExxonMobil didn’t just find all of that oil in Brazil.

Then, just like we saw last spring, when the price path of the market decouples from the fundamentals, perception trumps reality and high prices become the justification for higher prices. All because the smart money [sic] doesn’t want to “miss out”. So go ahead, buy. We would not want to deprive anyone from missing out.

Just beware. Sooner or later we are going to walk into our offices and this market will be locklimit down.

Bottom line, it was a bearish report. Transportation fuels fell along seasonal metrics, heating Btus were essentially unchanged and stocks of commercial and government crude oil surged. All told, total stocks of crude oil and petroleum products rose for a fourth straight report, up 0.3 percent to 1.76 billion (x109) barrels, a two-and-a-half year high.
# Read what other CNBC Contributors are saying...


Stephen Schork is the Editor of, "The Schork Report" and has more than 17 years experience in physical commodity and derivatives trading, risk systems modeling and structured commodity finance.

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04/12/09 9:18 PM

#967 RE: *~1Best~* #758

Gas went up 75% from the recent low -- e.g. GASO 0.82 to 1.45 since Jan 2009.

Comparatively DXO rallied 85% from the low during Fec - Mar 2009.

Even though we now have "Alternative Energy" revolution, we need to continue to focus on alternative energy sources to meet the energy needs!

Friday, June 27, 2008 12:54:46 AM

God will provide "Brilliant Alternative Energy Resource" invention!!

Friday, June 27, 2008 1:02:07 AM
Need to develop alternative energy instead of hyping oil price using wars.

"Would be better .. to put war money into alternative energy "

~~ America's Best Places For WIND & Solar Energy ~~


US Gasoline Price Rises 10 Cents a Gallon
| 12 Apr 2009 | 05:01 PM ET

The average U.S. retail gasoline price rose about 10 cents a gallon over the past three weeks due to environmental costs linked to warmer weather, though the price was 40 percent lower than a year earlier, according to the Lundberg survey released Sunday.

The average national price for self-serve regular unleaded gasoline was $2.048 a gallon on April 10, up 9.58 cents from March 20, according to the survey of gas stations.

The price was a whopping $1.27 below a year ago levels, when crude oil prices soared.

"The major cause of the rise of nearly a dime in three weeks is seasonal gasoline demand, not only because our consumption rises month by month, but because of the cost of environmental compliance," Survey editor Trilby Lundberg said in an interview.

As the weather warms, refiners are required to limit vapor pressure in order to avoid smog production.

This adds to the cost per gallon, she said. "It's already kicking in this month in some parts of the county," she said.

The cost of crude oil has remained fairly constant over the past three weeks, Lundberg said.

The lower gas prices could spur demand, which is likely to result in a rise in prices, but nowhere near the record $4.112 per gallon set on July 11, 2008, "unless there's a crude oil shock, and that does not seem likely either," she said.

The lowest price per gallon was in Newark, New Jersey, at $1.83, while Anchorage, Alaska, saw the highest at $2.40 per gallon.

Los Angeles, the biggest U.S. market for gasoline, had an average price of $2.32 per gallon.
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