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old kid on the block

02/19/09 10:06 AM

#175477 RE: Snackman #175475

au contraire, Snack; i think several players are considering the metrics of buying Wave, its "agnostic" notwithstanding - business and capitalistic incentives drive and, IF the intrinsic value of Wave's IP (including manifestation thereof; i.e., its TCG related solutions) represents an extremely attractive ROI revenue stream, ANY well-funded player in the TCG field would be frothing at the opportunity to take a financial position in or outright buy Wave [on the cheap].

As such, according to my basis, the premise that no one is considering buying Wave "until they can prove that they can do at least 50-100 million in revenues", is, at a minimum, questionable: TCG players are well aware of the relative value of Wave's IP within the TCG framework; and, IF said players "know" Wave is poised to explode into profitability, wouldn't the players take a position OR buy Wave outright? Wouldn't the proof of Wave's value already be known and acknowledged? Sadly, all known facts are simply reflected in Wave's continuing compromised and vulnerable financial position.

A bit further, please indulge me. For example, given that its easy to deduce that TCG players know of Wave's relative [IP] value in the TCG framework: IF Wave's IP was considered a sure-fire, pivotally, profitable componant of the TCG framework, what remains to be proven? IF Wave's associated profitability is accordingly CERTAIN, isn't materialization of "50-100 million in revenues" also CERTAIN? Is it not, therefore, only a matter of time, within the near-term horizon of 1-2 years, that "50-100 million in revenues" will materialize? And, no one entity (but for hardy and savvy individual investors) is NOW positioning itself to profit from Wave's imminent success?

To me, the logic underlying Wave's current financial state points to not much more than a POTENTIALLY profitable company, versus a potentially WILDLY profitable company.

of course, just as many here, only my opinion.