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01/15/09 7:47 PM

#431 RE: *~1Best~* #430

>Hottest sectors include: wind, solar thermal, solar photovoltaics, fuel cells, biofuel, R&D (federal government), recycling, energy efficient windows/doors, green building

so, I guess we better go back to college to get these necessary skills. unless you are one of the lucky few that already have a degree in one of these fields
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01/16/09 10:34 AM

#433 RE: *~1Best~* #430

Irrational and misdirected energy for potential world disaster: why much interest in nuke rather than other energy sources such as Solar Energy technology which is more productive, safe, and efficient energy source. It is a complete irrational and misdirected venture for potential world disaster.

The world should be focusing on other energy source rather than nuke energy which is escalating potential future global disaster.


U.S.-United Arab Emirates sign nuclear deal
updated 12:23 a.m. EST, Fri January 16, 2009

From Elise Labott CNN
State Department Producer

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The United States signed an agreement Thursday on civil nuclear cooperation with the United Arab Emirates -- the first such pact with a Middle Eastern country.

Calling the agreement "a powerful and timely model for the world and the region," Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice signed the deal, along with UAE Foreign Minister Abdullah bin Zayed.

"We applaud the UAE's commission -- commitment to the highest standards of safety, security and nonproliferation in its pursuit of nuclear power," Rice said.

Congress has to ratify the agreement before it can take effect, and congressional critics fear it could spark an arms race and proliferation in the region. The UAE's ties to Iran also have caused concern.

Under the "1-2-3 deal," similar to one the United States signed last year with India, Washington would share nuclear technology, expertise and fuel. In exchange, the UAE commits to abide by the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty and the International Atomic Energy Agency safeguards.

The small oil-rich Gulf nation promises not to enrich uranium or to reprocess spent nuclear fuel to extract plutonium, which can be used to make nuclear bombs.

The deal is part of a major UAE investment in nuclear energy. It has already signed deals to build several nuclear power plants.

"We are a country that is very rich in its oil and gas, but we do look forward that we have a program, a nuclear, peaceful program that could sustain our future needs," said bin Zayed.

Rice said she hoped existing work by U.S. companies on the UAE nuclear program would be expanded under the agreement.

"We believe our technology is the best in the world, and we hope that the UAE will give that technology strong consideration," she said.

The United States has stressed its role in global nonproliferation initiatives and has donated $10 million to establish an International Atomic Energy Agency international fuel bank.

Rep. Howard Berman, a Democrat from California, chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, called the safeguards in the agreement "encouraging" but voiced concerns that Iran could take advantage of the agreement.

"This could be a significant advance in nonproliferation policy, and a model for future nuclear cooperation agreements," Berman said in a statement.

"However, I and many other members of Congress place a very high priority on the international effort to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapons capability and will be analyzing this and any other nuclear cooperation agreement in the context of how it implicates the attainment of that goal."

Iran is the largest trading partner of the United Arab Emirates. In the past, the port city of Dubai, one of the UAE's seven emirates, has been used as a transit point for sensitive technology bound for Iran.

Dubai was also one of the major hubs for the nuclear trafficking network run by Pakistani scientist A.Q. Khan. But U.S. officials said the UAE has taken major steps to improve export controls and prevent money laundering.

Still, such ties contributed to stiff opposition in Congress to the failed deal for Dubai Ports World to manage U.S. ports.

U.S. officials said Washington is working on similar pacts with Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Jordan.

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01/16/09 4:12 PM

#435 RE: *~1Best~* #430

President-elect Barack Obama on Friday stressed the urgency of a renewable-energy economy as he tried to shore up support for his stimulus package.

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01/18/09 11:13 AM

#439 RE: *~1Best~* #430

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01/18/09 2:04 PM

#441 RE: *~1Best~* #430

re 'Green Collar Jobs' report forecasts 37 million jobs from
renewable energy and energy efficiency in U.S. by 2030


We have very good news on energy prospects.


Three massive gas reservoirs have been discovered 80 kilometers off the Haifa coast, at the Tamar prospect, Noble Energy Inc. announced on Sunday.


'Green Collar Jobs' report forecasts 37 million jobs from
renewable energy and energy efficiency in U.S. by 2030
ASES / MISI study reveals opportunities, warnings in nation's first update
of groundbreaking study; hottest sectors: solar, wind, biofuels, fuel cells

Click here to download the report >

NOTE TO MEDIA: Join research leaders in a national news teleconference TODAY, 1/15 at 11:30am ET / 9:30am MT about this Green Collar Jobs report to learn more about the industry's most in-depth analysis of the green economy. Dial: 1.888.850.5066, code 90497703# (open to media & news professionals only).

BOULDER, CO - 1/15/2009 - The renewable energy and energy efficiency (RE&EE) industries represented more than 9 million jobs and $1,045 billion in U.S. revenue in 2007, according to a new report offering the most detailed analysis yet of the green economy. The renewable energy industry grew three times as fast as the U.S. economy, with the solar thermal, photovoltaic, biodiesel, and ethanol sectors leading the way, each with 25%+ annual revenue growth.

The new 'Green Collar Jobs' report from the nonprofit American Solar Energy Society (ASES) based in Boulder, and Management Information Services, Inc (MISI), an internationally recognized economic research firm based in Washington D.C., provides a sector-by-sector analysis of where the opportunities are in the rapidly changing renewable energy and energy efficiency industries.

You can download the free report at:

"There's a new sense of optimism in the green economy," said Brad Collins, ASES' Executive Director. "But while the U.S. could see million of new jobs in renewable energy and energy efficiency, this will only happen with the necessary leadership, research, development, and public policy at the federal and state levels."

Key steps include a national renewable portfolio standard, long-term extension of the production tax credit, effective net metering policies, and improved access to electric transmission infrastructure.

According to the advanced scenario in the report, which represents the upper limit of what is technologically and economically feasible, RE&EE would generate about 37 million jobs and $4,294 billion in annual revenue by 2030. It's one of three forecast scenarios highlighted in this report. Under the base case (business as usual) scenario, which assumes no major change in policy or initiatives, the green job forecast is for more than 16 million jobs and $1,966 billion in revenue in the U.S. by 2030 - less than half the jobs and revenue than the advanced scenario. The third scenario assumes moderate policy improvements at the federal and state level and forecasts 19.5 million jobs and $2,248 billion in revenue by 2030.

Key conclusions from this report include:

· Renewable energy and energy efficiency currently provide more than 9 million jobs and $1,045 billion in revenue in the U.S. (2007). The previous year (2006) renewable energy and energy efficiency represented 8.5 million jobs and $972 billion in revenue.

· 95% of the jobs are in private industry.

· As many as 37 million jobs can be generated by the renewable energy and energy efficiency industries in the U.S. by 2030 - more than 17% of all anticipated U.S. employment.

· Hottest sectors include solar thermal, solar photovoltaics, biofuels, and fuel cells (in terms of revenue growth).

· Hot job areas include electricians, mechanical engineers, welders, metal workers, construction managers, accountants, analysts, environmental scientists, and chemists. The vast majority of jobs created by the renewable energy and energy efficiency industries are in the same types of roles seen in other industries (accountants, factory workers, IT professionals, etc).

· Renewable energy and energy efficiency can create millions of well-paying jobs, many of which are not subject to foreign outsourcing. These jobs are in two categories that every state is eager to attract - college-educated professional workers (many with advanced degrees), and highly skilled technical workers.

· The renewable energy industry grew more than three times as fast as the U.S. economy in 2007 (not including hydropower). Renewable energy is also growing more rapidly than the energy efficiency industry, but the energy efficiency industry is currently much larger than the renewable energy industry.

But while there is tremendous opportunity, there is also a real sense of urgency. Every year's delay by policy-makers (2009, 2010) has a highly disproportionate and negative impact on long range growth. The longer that policy-makers delay in implementing ambitious renewable energy and energy efficiency programs, the more difficult it will be to achieve the report's goals by 2030.

Unless quick action is taken, the U.S. risks losing millions of green jobs to other nations that offer a more serious and sustained commitment to growing its green economy. Consider the impressive results of Germany as an instructive example.

Germany's population is about one-quarter the size of the U.S., but Germany has more renewable energy jobs and generates new jobs faster the U.S. Germany has 5x the wind sector jobs and 4x the photovoltaic solar jobs as the U.S. Germany produces half the wind rotors in the world, one-third the solar panels in the world, and leads the world in biodiesel production.

The U.S. is in a global marketplace. If we fail to invest in renewable energy and energy efficiency, the U.S. runs the risk of losing additional ground in these industries to Germany and other nations. If we refuse to address policy and regulatory barriers to the sustained development of the new energy economy, other countries will lead and reap the economic and environmental benefits. For the U.S. to be competitive in a carbon-constrained world, the renewable energy and energy efficiency industries must be a critical economic driver.

You can download the report at:

About the American Solar Energy Society
For more than 50 years the American Solar Energy Society (ASES) has been leading national efforts to promote education, public outreach, and research about solar energy and other sustainable technologies.

About Management Information Services, Inc
Management Information Services, Inc (MISI) is an internationally recognized, Washington D.C.-based economic research and management consulting firm with expertise in economic forecasting, analysis of energy, environmental and electric utility issues, and labor markets.

Go to the ASES report website and download the report >