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12/13/08 10:29 AM

#28320 RE: klausby8 #28319

My opinion is management has being warning the shorts so they don't cry foul. Remember, it is illegal to intentionly trap a short. I am assuming everyone has read some of the articles relating to the VW short squeeze. Shorts were crying foul on that deal right away, calling for an investigation.

Anyone think management is trying to avoid the same thing here? Quick review of what I see. Plenty of PR's warning shorts that this 10q could be huge. Raised guidance, although I think they could raise it again, probably in the 10q, perfect time to do it. Now, they PR' "we beleive" there is illegally shorting, that was a nice warning to the shorts, sure plenty can say many managements cry short, but done in this matter, the shorts can't cry but know the company is on to them. Now they announce a buyback of 50 million shares, another systematic polite warning to the shorts. Though they PR it's almost done, another polite warning, that they might just report it's complete in the 10q where it should be reported. What else do I see, well, the PR that the company is announces changes in capital structure. This may be one of the final warnings, that management might repurchase the RME shares or begin to do so which will drop dilution and could cause a short squeeze. They don't have to retire all the shares, just some and show the investing community RME dilution is over, plus that would increase earnings per share.

The shorts have appx til Jan 15th to figure out what is happening, because after that date, it may be all but over for them, meaning they have no shot at getting out without being crushed. If the investing community sees SPNG is done diluting reported more record profits, every Tom, Dick and Harry will be running/sprinting to get their hands on these shares.

Remember Young saying the company has a 90 day plan, well I would say 90 days is rapidly approaching.

Now, I have no facts to support this will happen. What I have are PR's releases and as I slowly piece them together in this puzzle I am working on, this is the final picture I see.

I don't work for NASA but based on the PR's, this 10q sales and rev's results should be very impressive. They are truly branding themselves Americas Cleaning Company, and having a lot of success as reported through PR's.

I will keep picking up shares while I can... This thing has huge winner written all over it in my book and in my opinion.

Take this as pump or whatever you like, I am long in the stock and how I think this will play out. I could be wrong.