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10/18/08 1:45 PM

#18814 RE: LDC #18813

hi ldc

the only thing we know is that the pps is going down...regardless of all the BS posted on this board, the pps is determined by supply and demand....simple as that....more sellers than buyers....doesn't matter if those sellers are taking losses or selling free shares....all that matters is that supply is exceeding demand....

the only thing that can turn this ship around is transparency...i see no reason to think that past pratice is going to change...sad.

i had high hopes when management posted financials and the stop sign came down....evidently something has gone sour with the fundamentals that is keeping them from updating...what else makes any sense? some on this board are saying that the price of crude is what is bringing us down....hogwash! we have been tanking for over a year while the price of oil went to the moon! something is very wrong or the pps wouldn't be going sub can we reach any other conclusion?

now i will probably be bombarded with the sell and go away retoric....let me say in advance....screw you! (not you ldc) lol....oh and to answer your ?....we could sell and take our losses!...i think some people will be selling to take losses on thier taxes....

i am a small fish....the value of my shares has sunk to a point that it doesn't really matter all that much if the pps goes to i will hold....if the pps rebounds there will be massive resistance as we bagholders try to salvage a small % of our losses.

this stock >had< great potential....very sad that management choose to go silent...