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08/07/08 2:01 PM

#943 RE: Art2Gecko #941

He too got scammed? It's not likely. I visted Chad twice - first time was in a one bedroom house about 1200 sq. ft. before the bottom fell out. I watched him answer the phone as any of 5 different people, lying to everyone he spoke with. Then I visited Chad again about 2 months after the scam was revealed in a $2 million house on the water.

They flew him to Germany to look at this tire recycling plant while it was still a SLJB deal. They flew with him, DeVries and Petar Vucicevich. There aren't even any coincidences, just facts.

Chad, the ex-CEO of MDOR, friend of Petar, who flew to Germany with him to do the deal with SLJB, is now here doing it without Petar. Petar's name is tarnished and couldn't do it, nobody would buy shares off a known scammer, so a new front-man was needed. That's how it goes. That's what DeVries did after Nannaco by naming Petar (ex house painter) as CEO.

I made this board after the shell was bought. I made the MDOR ibox. But after I realized who Chad Curtis really is I dropped it.

Connect the dots.

Quote 03-19-08

"Yes, we must, indeed, all hang together, or most assuredly we shall all hang separately." ~Benjamin Franklin to John Hancock