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05/28/08 10:27 PM

#9481 RE: Barbaro #9480

Barbaro .... OUTSTANDING summary of the situation ... I spent one hour yesterday trying to navigate the maze of the shell game. Entertaining! GH creates one company and then creates another and then claims the latter to be a client of the first (Cute!). It is an incredibly incestuous state of affairs in which Mrs. Harris, Mark and Safia Ellison, and of course GH annoint themselves as CEO, CIO, CFOs etc ... of all these shells.

The troptions Ponzi-like scheme is retarded. $250 will get you in and of course you have to get people to push you up in the scheme so you can get commissions. I cannot believe there is people that will still fall for for these schemes. But you know what they say about suckers .... They actually encourage you to sucker in your warm market (i.e. family and friends). (sigh)

In summary, you are right, GH is hardly the saviour of UPZS, he actually represents its final doom.

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05/29/08 1:23 AM

#9483 RE: Barbaro #9480

I know. I have been well aware of the "transformations" of the Reverend Garland. It started out as him being the recipient of some porn site, by default. Worth millions of dollars. Who knows? ...He himself could have made it all up, to get more sought-after exposure, since he realized, after maybe reading somewhere... that 'PORN' could be considered the most sought-out item on any search engine? Let him suffer; as he himself has lost faith in humanity, and lost track. And that with his 'brilliant' mind, might we be too many steps ahead of him? Good grief! GRIFTER? WOOD