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05/28/08 11:35 AM

#23554 RE: bulls9999 #23550

Did you see the Interenet error stats on Smart Phones from the Intel Developer forum?

Let me know why you think Samrtphones are better than real internet access. Support your commetns with facts.

P.S. Intel disaggrees with you and your smart phone article you posted without giving any links or credit.......
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05/28/08 11:49 AM

#23561 RE: bulls9999 #23550

LOL..very funny article..
It is even better knowing that consumers prefer smartphones over MIDs..Those consumers do know that the MIDS haven't come out yet in total..don't they?? Those consumers do know that the first round of MIDs coming out will be of larger variety than the second round and the ones that Onev and Intel together are working on..don't they?? At least I thought people who know the tech would know the difference..but I guess not..LOL..For every article you can find against the MIDs I can find two for them...veno
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05/28/08 8:30 PM

#23604 RE: bulls9999 #23550

bulls this article blows a big black hole in your argument supported by your link...note ONEV has done SIP forever...note ONEV has been compatible with Skype is below then quoted text from link below that...

The body of the article:

The opponents of WiMAX are quick to point out that the 3G platform will be able to outperform the WiMAX offering on all counts and hence there is no reason that we should invest in alternative technology. I beg to differ. Let me list down a few points to justify my claim:

1. Reach: WiMAX can provide connectivity over a very large area, around 12 mile. This implies that for reach similar to the existing cellular providers, WiMAX will have much lower expenses.

2. Optimized for Data: Unlike the cellular network, WiMAX is designed as an Internet access technology and hence optimized for data.

3.Other devices: The major push to WiMAX would be from other WiMAX enabled devices. Chip designers like Intel, Sequens and Beceem are already pushing WiMAX as a mass market technology.

4.No SIM or Contracts: WiMAX chips will be embedded in devices like laptops, mobiles, and other consumer devices. So, you would not have to purchase a SIM (Subscriber Identity Module) to activate your devices or purchase expensive contracts to use your devices. Wouldn't you love to have the iPhone without the contract from AT&T?

5.Lower cost: Since WiMAX will be used for not only voice, its uses are only limited by imagination. This will result in lower cost of usage, unlike the cellular network, which is primarily used for voice.

6.Sprint effect: The presence of Sprint in the supporting camp is a very big factor for WiMAX's possible success. Sprint already has a huge network. This will make it even easier to deploy WiMAX. The costs would be even lower, as the WiMAX devices can ride on the antennas owned by Sprint.

7.Balance of power: Nobody likes monopoly. The cellular providers are exploiting their network and charging the customer who does not have a choice. Cellular providers charge up to $0.15 to receive text messages. This is purely rent seeking.

With a rival technology in WiMAX, this will provide a much needed choice to the consumer and reduce this exploitation by the cellular providers.

It's not a coincidence that opponents to WiMAX include cellular networks or cellular component manufacturers. A lot depends on how the pilots go in the Chicago and Washington D.C. this spring. But I really feel that WiMAX has a great potential and we will soon see it in action.

If any of you have had an experience with WiMAX or have an opinion on it, please share.

This article has been written by our VoIP news editor Alok Saboo. Alok is pursuing his PhD in Marketing at the Pennsylvania State University.

A reader's comments:

Now check this out... I recently lost my cellphone but thanks to álittle help from my friends´I still have a phone(NOW HAVE IN MIND THAT THE N800 IS NOT A PHONE, BUT CAN ACT LIKE ONE THRU SIP). I find myself receiving calls from my mom in Peru, my gf in the UK, or my sister in the US(ALL FOR FREE).All voicemais are sent to my email as mp3 attachment. The qualty is superb and itś totally free. Now SKYPE has started advertising UNLIMITED CALLS TO THE US AND CANADA FOR 3 MONTHS FOR ONLY 8 MONTHS.
The other beauty about this aparatus is the fact it runs Linux, the most hackable OS in the planet and provider of a plataform in which 99.9 of the programs that come out are for FREE. FORGET ABOUT WINDOWS AND PAYING FOR THIS AND THAT. I have installed everything in here from Skype, Recorder, Rss reader, dropbear and the good old VNC VIEWER(remote connection to any pc). In addition the n800 has a built in webcm which is totally adjustable and brings the video call experience to the limit( fixed with Os2008- chinook).