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04/13/08 2:05 AM

#99462 RE: seeksup #99460

<<"In what sort of waters would a Roguedolphin..

..swim with a smile?">>>

Please realize that we are heading into the end game of Keynesian Ponzi finance in the other words "we're all not dead yet(to paraphrase Keynes)" .....

.....yet the cancer of this failed economic theory and thought of the political fools and hacks in control is now upon us.

Not really easy to smile about the train wreck we are in here.....especially since I'm stuck here in the USA sinking ship.(Jimmy Rogers can you throw an old friend a lifeline??)

Either depression or hyperinflation.....pick your poison.

Getting capital out of the US dollar and away from confiscation probably is something to consider and a start.

Jimmy Rogers and Marc Faber are proven financial stalwarts......Jim Puplava's financial radio show is a must listen on the weekends.

To: Nihontochicken who wrote (9179) 4/13/2008 12:56:22 AM
From: tdl4138 3 Recommendations Read Replies (2) of 9182

The real tragedy of this whole mess is that the vast majority of people in this country don't even know whats happening.

Nor do they care.

They may bitch about the price of food and gas...but they're absolutely oblivious as to....why.

I talk to people every day that never even bother to watch the news. But they know each and every contestant on American Idol.
They find it incredulous that we don't even watch it and stare in shock when I explain that I could care less.

Someone once called it the "Dumbing of America" and I couldn't agree more. This is the real tragedy.

Sure we have a financial crisis. Unfortunately, most Americans equate that to having to pay $50 for a tank of gas. That's the crisis in their lives when living paycheck to paycheck. The general citizenry has become so uninformed as to what good old Wall Street has done for this country along with the politicians that expecting them to take notice and....God forbid actually DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT is nothing more than wishful thinking. They're more interested in watching the castrated version of Bill Clinton babble and bicker with Obama. Then there's McCain...@ 71...wasn't it Reagan that drifted off to sleep during cabinet meetings...

Has any candidate even dared to voice an opinion on how to really straighten out this mess? They really just restate over and over the same campaign rhetoric we've all heard for years.
The sad part is, they do it because it works. The people have forgotten how to ask questions and demand answers instead of rhetoric. Ron Paul came close but no one paid attention. Ironically, I think the media did. They heard Mr.Paul loud and clear. I believe their response was to downplay his speeches and ideas as "non-mainstream America" and divert attention that should have gone his way to the party hacks. Ron Paul's whole campaign was about change. And he wasn't too shy about where that change was desperately needed. The problem is that the American public doesn't want change. Cheaper gas....sure. But change the political system? Demand competent candidates?
Revamp the financial system starting with the Fed...You've got to be kidding.

The posters on this thread are here because they have not forgotten how to "think", are not afraid to ask questions and won't hide from the answers. Most comments I read tell me the authors are rather well informed and more concerned with the consequences of the financial debacle this country is staring in the face and how it will effect them.

Do any of you really understand what kind of a minority that puts us in? I doubt more than 5-10% of the general public even has a basic understanding of how we've gotten to this point and what is coming down the road.