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03/24/04 4:21 PM

#809 RE: dreamrchaser #805

if ur trying to bark, it's spelled 'arrff' or 'ruff' but not afrr... and if ur into fetishes, please post ur # and fantasies :)

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03/24/04 11:42 PM

#828 RE: dreamrchaser #805

dreamchaser Afrr, I think it would be a bad time to sell. I'm into ARSW more for technical reasons, but these stocks are both beaten up pretty bad. Bottom of cycles. If you sell now, you will be selling at or near a bottom. If you look at an ARSW chart (2/24) you will see a wave pattern similar to that of AFRT (3/19). The carnage was not as accute for ARSW, but the pattern is the same. I study fractal (repeating patterns in all timeframes) wave patterns and am thus more bullish in the short run ARSW. Another good wave pattern shared by two companies forming a bottom, IDGE and RVNM, will show divergence at or near the bottom of a long term cycle. I favor IDGE. I chose these comparisons due to ease of viewing. Most fractal recurrances are not this evident.
Back to the comparison of AFRT and ARSW. I believe that AFRT , already under selling pressure due to technical stresses, had a wave pattern acceleration to the downside. This makes me almost as bullish AFRT as ARSW, but not quite. I expect the waves to unfold for AFRT as they have for ARSW, except potentially more volatile due to the "R/S induced skew". In my experience, when the strength of a negative technical wave is skewed by news, the upside in the long run is better.

I rate AFRT: hold 3 weeks out, buy 3 months out, strong buy 1 year out.

I rate ARSW: buy "", strong buy "", strong buy ""

IDGE: hold, hold, strong buy (oops, I'm 50% in this one)
CMKX: hold, hold, strong buy (oops, I'm 50% in this one)

I actually do have a couple other stocks, but the investment in these is negligible. I think it's 2% ARSW (I bought in at .0035 on the drop mentioned above, so I bought into the wave pattern where you are getting ready to sell) and 2.5% MASG, bought on 1/27 for .022. You know I'm not lying about the second trade, I consider it my worst short term entry ever. I will never, ever make that mistake again.

I promise I'm not gabbing about my trading to pump myself up. I honestly feel that it is easiest to discuss the stocks that you study every single day. I'm in these stocks, so by letting you know my asset allocation, stock ratings and trade history, you could actually get to know my trading personality.

Wordy as always, sorry.

Avarice Monopolist