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Replies to #11756 on Bible (Bible)
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02/04/08 2:12 AM

#11757 RE: thrifty #11756

Very good! Thanks!
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02/04/08 2:14 AM

#11758 RE: thrifty #11756

Got to get you a blackberry to take to church.
Oh I know you making a face at me right now. LOL!

We've talked in pm's about technology but I bet it be something you'd treasure after learning how to use it.
I'd love to get one someday.
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02/04/08 10:29 AM

#11764 RE: thrifty #11756

Well thats interesting to say the least...Why...well im glad you ask..LOL...ill try and keep it under a couple chapters this

As I have said I started my addictions at age 13...1969...the time of hippies and peace and love....the flower children era. For a good many of those 25 years I was the long haired hippy type and took full advantage of the sex, drugs and rock & roll while working all over the United States in construction. Many states..many many bars...many girlfriends and one night stands. My 2 years in the Army right after high school didnt slow the "high" down much.

Now im not bragging here folks...I see this as nothing to brag about as a believer..just the beginning of one of my long winded points. I was never blessed with children but there is that possibility in one of the 30 some states that I worked in...You just never know...I pray that that did not happen as most jobs I would be there for a month to maybe 5 months...until I got bored and then Id hit another job in another state.

Then I meet a girl in 1987 and she had her own place and we moved in together as it always went....But we fell in love. for the next 8 years I continued to travel construction but my heart and life was with her...She often went on jobs with me to travel and see places. My addictions continued but she knew mostly of the drinking and pot...she enjoyed a little of that as well...but she didnt know so much about the other. You can hide most anything behind the smell and personality of booze. Then in 1995 is when I got on my knees and invited Jesus into my life and my addictions were taken away. It was time to get off the road because new believer or not...On the road in construction...not good...I was a crane operator and iron worker and most jobs I was on there were 3 or 4 thousand construction workers...Industrial the temptation was everywhere for someone trying to start over.

About 6 months after I surrendered to Jesus, I ask her to Marry me. As a new christian I thought this to be what the Lord would have me the good book tells us. But also in this 6 month, she never went to church, which I had started, and she didnt want anything to do with the Jesus stuff. I think back now and if i had knew anything about the Lord I would have prayed on it and he would have probably have told me to move out instead of getting married...but I was new at this Jesus stuff. Heck, for that matter...I hadnt seen reality for 25 years so i was having a little trouble trying to figure that out...We got married and 18 months later she said she wanted a divorce......Even though she was more than happy my addiction was over....I was a different person...she just didnt like all the Jesus stuff and why couldnt we have a drink or a joint once and awhile and go to the bar you all know...that just dont make much sense....Dont get me wrong...A good hearted women...a county girl..just her family werent church folk...we had so much in common...I loved her with all my heart...But I couldnt do that....

The 1st thing I did was go outside and set down by the shock...a divorce....Man satan jumped right on me....Im going to the bar I thought...Every soothing thought of what getting high would do to help me..satan threw at me...I dropped to my knees and started praying....for a couple weeks I prayed and prayed and prayed as satan pounded me to drink and forget all these worthless people...If God had done me such a big favor of taking my addictions away why did he let this he gave me one good going over.....But Jesus pulled me through...Praise God! We divorced about 3 months later..she didnt want to talk to anyone...she wanted out..that was 1999.

Now for the long winded point...LOL...

I would have never thought of celibacy being a gift....I would think more of a Charles Stanley did that series about different gifts I think he just focused more on a few of maybe...


Yes im getting to the

I was 43 when we divorced...I have been divorced and single for almost 9 years now....All that I wrote above was just to show as an example that through out my life i was never in short supply of sex...with the opposite sex of course.

For 9 years I have lived by myself....I have not had a single date...I know the good book tells me that I will not have sex outside of marriage ....I am as happy and content as any one person could be....I often pray over the last 9 years and still to this day, that if the Lord has someone that HE wants me to be with...or to let our paths cross...and if not to help me be content and happy all by to speak...

Now im not saying its easy at times....Im no Kenny Rogers but I havent had a stick run up my shirt and propped up in the corn field either..
The temptation from the unbeliever women at work with their teasing at times can be ......stressful......But I just start talking to the Lord and keep on truckin..LOL

So I guess maybe the gift of celibacy, is another gift of mine...

Yes my good people....ask and you will receive..I reckon you just got to Trust in the Lord!