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Replies to #11479 on Bible (Bible)
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01/18/08 8:55 PM

#11487 RE: thrifty #11479

Yes, it's a cult.
Yes, I expect something off the wall to happen there.
No, God would not like you there.

I'd be straight up and find some scripture that talks about staying away from cults and let the bricks fall where they may.

Tell him you still want him to go to yours and if he does instead of going to his you'll take him out to dinner instead.

Lets see what others think? This is the route I'd take.
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01/18/08 10:16 PM

#11488 RE: thrifty #11479

My opinion is to not go.

2 Corinthians 6: 14-15

Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness. And what communion has light with darkness.
And what accord has Christ with Belial. Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever.

From my personal experience, if you attend their place of fellowship, you will not be allowed to leave easily and don`t be surprised if a member along with an elder shows up at your home and ask to see you and talk to you.
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01/18/08 11:09 PM

#11489 RE: thrifty #11479

First I would think on this scripture.

2 John 1:7-11 (NKJV)

Beware of Antichrist Deceivers

7.. For many deceivers have gone out into the world who do not confess Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist. 8.. Look to yourselves, that we do not lose those things we worked for, but that we may receive a full reward.
9.. Whoever transgresses. and does not abide in the doctrine of Christ does not have God. He who abides in the doctrine of Christ has both the Father and the Son. 10.. If anyone comes to you and does not bring this doctrine, do not receive him into your house nor greet him; 11.. for he who greets him shares in his evil deeds.
My opinion....I would never knowingly step foot in any place that I knew that questioned God or Jesus in any way...No good can come from that!

....I wonder if this would be one and the same;....

Cult name: Christian Science/The Church of Christ Scientist

However, Christian Science Church, "The Church of Christ Science", the "science of healing", is "Anti-Christian", "Anti-Science", with Hindu doctrine, and it is not a Church.

- Founded, in 1875 in Massachusetts by Mary Baker Eddy.

- 1 million members, 3,000 churches, in 56 countries, 700,000 in the USA..

- Address: Mother Church, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

Overview: Let's start with a quote from founder Eddy that says it all. She wrote to Judge S.J. Hanna: "I have marveled at the press and pulpit's patience with me, when I have taken away their Lord."

This cult is founded on Mrs. Eddy's book, "Science and Health (with Key to the Scriptures)" the last part of the title was added later. She claims to have received divine revelation in writing this book (but as you'll see below, they don't believe in a personal God--how could she then get divine revelation? She did--it was from the god of this world, Satan).

The following quote from Eddy sums up the foundation for this cult, "In the year 1866 I discovered the Science of metaphysical healing, and named it Christian Science." Mrs. Eddy simply took eastern mysticism (e.g., Hinduism) and pantheism (all is God) and called it Christian Science.

These tenets are so self-evidently ludicrous that I didn't put many scripture verses behind them.

Cult Tenets/Characteristics:

1. There is no such thing as sin. It is an illusion.

2. There is no such thing as sickness. It is an illusion.

3. Sick people must be convinced that they are not sick. Then they will get well. (funny, Eddy went to the doctor when she had a toothache and had the nerve to get anesthesia)

4. There is no such thing as death. A person gets old and dies because they believe that is what is supposed to happen.

5. Their god is not the personal God of the Bible. Everything is god and god is good. Therefore there is no sin, disease, or death because all is god and god is good. The whole universe is falsehood--an illusion.

6. Claim that there is healing from Christian Science. Their method of healing is denying the disease itself, e.g., "I am not sick. I do not have cancer." This is not prayer. It is simply talking out loud to yourself. In fact, Christian Science says that prayer to a personal God is a hindrance. So...they stand babbling to themselves.

7. CS claims many cases of reported healings. Dr. Stephen Paget, who made a thorough study of a number of these reported cures concludes, "The vast majority of their testimonials are not worth the paper on which they are printed." He found no cases that are a credit to Christian Science. But he did find that many a curable disease under their treatment runs from bad to worse till no remedy avails any more.

8. CS claims to be a Christian church and sings evangelical hymns and reads the Bible--HOWEVER, the read the Bible in light of "Science and Health". Examples of blasphemy: Jesus did not die because there is no death. Man is not made of the dust of the earth as in Genesis 2 because matter doesn't exist--therefore Mrs. Eddy calls Genesis 2, "a lie". They take her word over the Bible.

9. Jesus not God. He was the highest human concept of the perfect man, but not to be worshipped.

10. Jesus never died. Death does not exist. He just thought He was dead.

11. Blood of Jesus has no atoning value and since sin is an illusion we are not guilty.

12. Salvation is deliverance from delusion and entrance into Christian Science.

13. Jesus was never tempted by the devil. Eddy says, "He was tempted by the false beliefs in His own mind." (Big words for a creature made of dust whose days are like a vapor of smoke.)

14. Women can become mothers by a supreme effort of their own minds.

15. CS set themselves against a meeting by Alexander Dowie in New York and began their style of prayer--"This is not truth; this is error; this cannot be; this must not be; this shall not be;" (My question is this. If there is no sin, how can there be error?)

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01/31/08 10:39 AM

#11674 RE: thrifty #11479

I would keep my faith and go and I would pray for God to lead me. I would walk in the righteousness of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Let your light shine before others that they may see your good works and glorify our Father which is in hevean. (sorry if I mis quoted that, I don't have my bible with me right now)

I think for everything there is a reason and a purpose. I think back to myself when I came to a point of soul searching. What if I were sitting in that congregation? Knowing what I know now, I sure as heck would have wanted you sitting there next to me to point out what scripture says vs, what I might be hearing there.