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01/17/08 11:48 AM

#37302 RE: rainbow12345 #37301

We are in a Bear Market...
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Neutral Man

01/17/08 12:26 PM

#37310 RE: rainbow12345 #37301

RainMan... gonna have to change me "RainMan" designation to "SunMan" as you seem to be a Rose Glasses kinda guy, LOL!?

In da-BIG scheme of things, we've been on the precipous of a Recession/Depresion type cyle for over a Year! In hind site I find it MOST impressive dat da-Boyz even let us get through 2007 before the Obvious was announced by Wall Street!?

This recession/depression cycle will be the FIRST, EVER, in the history of the Industrialized World!

What does this portend, well, for one, NO person alive or Dead (which means we can't even study any historical data or writings from those who've gone before us), has ever experienced a GLOBAL Recession and/or Depression!?

As William Shatner (Capt'n James T Kirk for the star-trek-ies), often proclaimed, we be heading to a place of which NO MAN has gone Before, LOL!

Bascially, EVERYONE, those that are par-take-ing in ANY Financial instrument need understand they are going forward WITHOUT the knowledge of how those Financial instuments will weather the STORM, OUCH!?

This thinking suggest that ANYONE thinkig that this, that or da-utter investment has a better chance of weathering da-Storm than ANY other given investment is going to be proven drastically WRONG!?

Because this reasoning has merit, that the GLOBAL ramifications are UN-KNOWN, then the ONLY safe investment for some sort of "GAIN" is US Treasuries, hence the AWESOME amount of players prescribing to said Treasuries has caused the Yield to Plumet!

The OBVIOUS next level of investment is to "Preserve Capital" and there are things such as Gold, Cash, and antiqueties to accomplish said goal?

That said, Gold and Gold alone may be the only form of exchange some day and may then be the ONLY thing accepted when one tries to procure Food and Shelter? This is with deep assumptions of depression over recession?

Of course there will be pundits who immediately call one out who would even suggest "Depressional" tendicies BUT, if we will NOT KNOW how a Global Recession plays out then one could could get to "Depressional" extrapolations rather quickly, yes?

I Apologize for the long answer but YOU ASKED and I felt compelled to answer!

In Summary, will prices bounce, maybe, but remember, it's called DCB (Dead Cat Bounce), for a reason and the Cat wil likley take it's repectful place in History and Fall back to da-Ground and, well, BE DEAD, LOL!?

Regardless of price action, da-Boyz manipulation, picture painting, and DCB's, we ARE heading down to 1203 and eventually 1008 this year and NOTHING can be done to stop it! It was attempted back in 1927/1929 and they did NOT have an exponential Derivative Global Configuration to contend with and they failed, who today can claim such an astute-ness or capacity to rise us back up outta da-Ashes, WHO!?

And FINALLY, PROTECT your CORE base and keep da-Golden Goose hiden away accordingly so as to NOT be left holding da-Bag of EMPTY promises of those that KNOW NOT WHAT they do! Our current leaders have a destiny with that of which they are UN-Familar with and ONLY through blood and striff will we Endure to PLAY again some day!?

And dats about alls eyes gottoo say about dat for now!

May GOD Bless and shower EVERONE with compassion, wisdom, and the wherewithal to know it when we GET DARE!


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01/17/08 12:38 PM

#37316 RE: rainbow12345 #37301


Ben the B2 Bomber now called, said cutting rates theorectically would help. As soon as the academic word came out market sold off. I followed da-boyz to Put OEX and finished da-day trading and is going out for da-walk as Neutral Man would say it, can't fight da-boyz.

da 2bit