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03/03/04 11:00 PM

#27972 RE: dougSF30 #27971

Doug, the FX line will be the Halo line that raises ASPs across the board. What's funny that even the low speed A64s will probably outperform anything Intel will have for the rest of the year unless they fix their stalled 90nm process.


p.s. And imagine when the benchmarks running with finished drivers under Win64 start showing up at benchmarks sites. It won't be pretty. Intel should start preparing Northwoods with 10Megs of cache or something like that.
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03/04/04 12:38 AM

#27976 RE: dougSF30 #27971

2.6 Ghz FX-55 in May 04.

I didn't think we'd see 2.6 Ghz until 90nm. So this is one of two good things if true. One being that 130nm can bin 2.6 Ghz parts, and the other being 90nm parts are coming earlier than Q3 and this will be one of them. I'm not even sure which I would prefer to be true. Probably 90nm, as it would indicate that 90nm is ahead of a delay schedule, and it is binning at least as good as 130nm (unlike Intel's initial 90nm parts).
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03/04/04 10:11 AM

#27997 RE: dougSF30 #27971

See what happens when we start speculating on Aces. :-))

I see AMD are not being bashfull and holding back. :-)

All we need now are some cheap Duron 64s later on in the year and AMD is set for the forseeable future.