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11/12/07 9:12 PM

#1037 RE: Arbo99 #1036


Never had personal "joy" with MLTO going down.....Always been very fascinated with business idea...Sure, learned my lesson long time ago about three most important things for ANY junior company: management, management, and management...

After my visit to Pompano Beach, there was no any doubt about MLTO future....

If you are interested, you may join out group again, with one condition: to be active...Regardless, good luck to you. No hard feeling. Full respect to your honest, and enthusiastic support for MLTO...

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11/13/07 11:24 AM

#1043 RE: Arbo99 #1036

Bob, What do you see in the report that I am missing. The creditors agreed to not go after the company. That is a positive to me.

I talked to Charlie on the phone, and so far there has been no word from Medicare or the auditors. All companies are going to have some issues with an audit, so it is just a matter of how good or bad the final interpretation is. They were able to dig up a substantial amount of documentation needed by writing doctors and hospitals, etc. Shouldn't we all wait to see if Medicare comes after them before throwing in the towel? It is my feeling that if the company gets by okay from the audit, then the lender will likely open the purse strings. Charlie did not say that, but I get the feeling that it is true.