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11/03/07 10:11 AM

#24839 RE: kelseyf #24838

That was a mouthful, kels! Very well said. A few people I have told about HEMI have asked what their production numbers are. I can show them the pics, tell them where to find DD about it, but no production numbers. It seems that numbers are what verifies it is a legitimate company to some investors. I hope we see some numbers the upcoming week. We know they are producing, and we know there are a lot of wells damaged during the flood that are back on line. It would also be great to know exactly where they have decided to work next. I believe Keith said they wanted to be in TX or NM by December, and December is on its way.

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11/03/07 10:28 AM

#24840 RE: kelseyf #24838

All things considered-AND I AM STILL LONG-not one penny more will be invested by me in HMGP until I get more fundamental info directly from the Company AND there develops a new uptrend in stock price. I must put new capital into energy companies that are more fully participating in the bull market for oil and gas than this one is-and most of these companies will be non-U.S. I think the move away from oil pricing in dollars will accelerate, which will put U.S. oil companies in a bind where costs will be in dollars, but oil will not be longer-term. And to be brutally honest, I will sell enough shares on the next uptrend to recover my money from the last purchase I made so as to diversify as stated above. I am convinced that a financial calamity for this country is coming, and it may be that the thing that will save many U.S. resource stock investors is being bought out by sovereign country funds or by China or even India outright. China will probably use our own dollars "against" us in that vein. I take no joy in writing this, but there it is.
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11/03/07 2:38 PM

#24849 RE: kelseyf #24838

Kels...excellent post that says it all. IMO also, the time for Hemi to get in the habit of providing periodic updates has arrived. Quarterly "this is how we are doing" in the most basic form possible would be more than adequate to dispel most of the speculation and doubt that is now evident, and get investors and company both back on track pursuing what should be a their common goal.
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11/03/07 3:56 PM

#24862 RE: kelseyf #24838

Another good post. Thank you, kelseyf. To that, I might add, the majority of Longs here have faith in an overall business plan which actually goes much further than the newbie has any idea of.

The business plan goes much further than just acquiring attractive, producing leases. Has anyone stopped to think that maybe, just maybe, with all the leases Keith has thus far locked up, maybe one day soon, he will announce a bought and paid for (with cash, from shares) drilling rig?

What would THAT do to the pps in one day, knowing how crippled so many of these micro O&G companies are, with drillers and their precarious schedules? Same goes with a cementer...a critical part of the process?

Now, granted, the marketcap (my figures tell me approx. $6M-$7M) may seem a tad high from the revenues perspective, from another perspective, it could easily be argued that it is extremely low, if we simply factor in the INDEPENDANTLY DRAWN, THIRD PARTY reserves report.

(Might I remind some people that CTUM has absolutely NO revenues, yet currently has a $36M marketcap, primarily because of the perceived value of their assets).

Just because we can't see, taste, smell, and feel the oil, doesn't mean it's not there. Banks will still loan money on reserves report such as Hemi has had drawn, and not that Keith intends to take out any financing, just that fact, lends credence to why the marketcap can easily be perceived as being extremely low.