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10/12/07 2:50 PM

#9476 RE: wreck tom #9474

I have been following the brouhaha here quite closely for some months, and recently started posting since the “find” announcement. I mistakenly thought things would quickly turn civil there because the dynamics of this whole shebang have changed quite dramatically:

The team has moved from “we hope”, “we wish”, “we would like to” to “we have”.

In my mind this draws a definitive line in the sand. A “major discovery” was announced. If Mel Fisher found the “mother load” at 400M+, I am thinking that a “major discovery” has to be worth 30-50M????

Thus either the team either offers proof of this in early ’08 or does not. If they do not, in my mind they lose all credibility, and I don’t see how this company can continue as a viable publicly owned entity. All that being said I believe the promises and look forward to good things.

With regard to the stock price; I would hope the dynamics change would set the floor (even with no short term news) north of a penny, as the shareholder now have several different possible impact events:

Reality Series – They won’t say who the film crew is, but said that they have sold other stuff before. Obviously it would be great if it were a “Deadliest Catch” and “Ice Road Trucker” production crew. If this were to hit the Discovery channel it would drive interest in the company. Even if they got 250K an episode it would be fantastic.

Possible “Great Find” Announcement – Wilf has been quoted as saying some pretty pie in the sky things (like his goal of getting the stock back up to a buck recently) up to this point, but they have all been phrased as “we think” and “we hope”. He has now said “we have”. If this all turns out to be irrational exuberance I think his believability will be totally shot. I think he recognizes this, and I don’t personally think an astute businessman would risk it. If and when the total find is announced, a 50 or 100 million dollar find would make a great human interest story.

Buy Back – He has stated over and over again that he plans to buy back stock. But with what? Obviously a reality series on Discovery with a “you can buy this stuff at our website” at the end of each episode would be great. Not withstanding that stuff, I believe he really wants to buy back stock, if for no other reason then to get anxioux investors off his cell phone.


(Note: I posted the same comments at Deep Blue under rrilling)
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10/12/07 3:00 PM

#9479 RE: wreck tom #9474

Tom, please quit beating this horse. We have all heard what you have to say. Those of us who have been in this for 2 years now don't need to hear it 400 more times. We have seen all the ups and downs with this company, have lost our asses then made a run up then been let down. I wish you would move on and let us do our thing here. It sucks for you that your wreck didn't work but it sounds like maybe you should take the effort your putting into trying to destroy DPBM and put it into getting your own investors lined up or getting back to your life. We are invested in this and if your intentions are to save us its not going to get me to back out. This is a lottery ticket and I'm in it till lose all or make a ton, no in between. Your starting to sound more like someone trying to lose me my money because you hate wilf. That is going to make you some enemy's. I believe a lot of people might start saying why did you cost me all that money. Plus it is very immature and that behavior would cause anybody with money to not invest in getting your wreck up with you.
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10/12/07 3:09 PM

#9483 RE: wreck tom #9474

Wreck Tom Stop beating a dead horse please!
the horse is getting whip marks....
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10/12/07 3:13 PM

#9485 RE: wreck tom #9474

I am not a person that places blame on anyone. You have the wrong character interpretation of me. I take responsibility for my own actions. I stand up for the pie in my face and I take it like a man. I am but a wee little woman in size but MIGHTY in spirit.
You do not make any sense to me. Because if Wilf wanted to use you for publicity, he would have and I as a share holder would have seen a profit from that.
Your so called contract was based on IF there was proof you actually had a wreck. There was never any definate proof as Jim Cross never made it down before your deal went sour.
Now, it is my understanding from a previous CC that Wilf said that once they did prove you had a wreck, Deep Blue had 45 days to decide if they wanted to salvage it or not. I remember applauding Wilf for that decision because I felt he WAS looking out for our best interest.
Now you tell me what happened from there. What made Wilf decide he had enough and tell you to take a hike?