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08/07/07 10:20 PM

#48207 RE: lakedweller2 #48205

That is probably

one of the truest post of the year.

Flat out.

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08/07/07 10:31 PM

#48208 RE: lakedweller2 #48205

Lake.. Good post.

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08/08/07 12:53 AM

#48214 RE: lakedweller2 #48205

Very true. They need to separate themselves from the scammy pinks if they hope to build on their valuation. This will, in turn, give them more leverage for future growth. There's no reason not to be on board with total transparency if they are indeed wanting to make a go of it.

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08/08/07 4:55 AM

#48220 RE: lakedweller2 #48205

'lake' ....I'll 3rd that ...SC
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08/08/07 6:49 AM

#48221 RE: lakedweller2 #48205

I doubt the company wants to start passing out phone numbers to appease shareholders. The only real verification we may see are the Q's and that could take a few months or until the 1st Q of 08.
I wonder if the 3rd Q filing will reflect the 3% cash performance bond?
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08/08/07 7:13 AM

#48224 RE: lakedweller2 #48205

What's the motivation for PBLS? After all, this is a strange game that is being played...lot's of PR's with more substance than we are used to but not all the substance we need. It seems they want to run the stock just a little. Maybe to placate all the crazy iHub stock holders that keep calling and yelling at them. But with the Preferred Coversion offer extended, and the partners buying on the open market, what would be the motivation in the immediate short-term for PBLS to really run this stock? I don't think they want to. IMO we're going to see a gradual incline hitting all the typical resistance points over the next couple of months. Keeping the pps moving north ward keeps the little dogs at bay and helps the big dogs buy. When we approach the middle to the end of October, if they aren't completely full of ____, that's when I can see them really trying to run this stock.

I personally think that there is at least one more skeleton in the closet that needs to be exposed first (like the O/S) before they've confessed enough of their sins to move up in a hurry. I just hope that people here who are frustrated will use wisdom if and when they sell. Get out quietly if that's what you want to do. Sell in small blocks on good days and you don't help the MM's do what they did yesterday. I also suggest no one buy more than they can truly afford and to take a profits on the way up. Have an exit strategy in place. Hit a single, a double, a triple and a home run if PBLS pps goes balastic.

Sorry for another sermon...just my take on things...


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08/08/07 10:05 AM

#48265 RE: lakedweller2 #48205


When will PBLS learn that in pinky-land the motto is not the old Reagan doctrine of "Trust but Verify" but rather "Do Not Trust AND Verify"? The PR should have provided a link to Komex and/or a quote from someone at KOMEX (including name and title). Alternatively, PBLS should have received (or at least tried to) a committment from KOMEX to put out a corresponding PR. Yes, yes, I know that KOMEX is a large and this deal might be piddly to them, however part of supplier support is to provide suppliers with support!

I believe the PR. Most of us here do. But it doesn't really matter what we believe, what matters is what the market believes. Given its history of obfuscation and unkept promises (or yet to be kept promises, lol) PBLS needs to be sensitive to how it presents itself to the market and and present itself in the best possible manner. I received the following PM this morning:
You want to know something scary............
When I was in Sulja, I googled the name Wessell International. They supposedly had a huge contract with them. Wessell was supposed to be a huge company. However, the only thing that came up with them was Sulja related.

Google Komex Export-Import.............the top 20 hits are all Phoenix related. Way too familiar to me. Just getting a little paranoid here and thinking too much maybe.

Any thoughts?

When I did the same google search I received the same results. There was one English language post concerning Komex Export-Import and it was for a hotel company in Sofia! I am not claiming that PBLS is a scam like Sulja. What I am claiming is that PBLS is not providing enough information to attract new investors (and I don't mean new 'inside' investors), it is not doing all it can to engender trust and support from the market.

I'm not going to contact Paul or Ron, however I am going to contact Mike Mulshine. He should be doing everything possiblel to make sure PBLS is not put in this position to begin with, and if he can't prevent it from happening he at least needs to try to clean up the mess (i.e, misperceptions) after they occur.

I'm frustrated. Not because I want to sell at .03 or .10 but because the longer it takes PBLS to be considered trustworthy and transparent, the longer it will take to attract new investors (again, new 'outside' investors). It is in PBLS' best interest to be seen as a safe investment with fantastic potential. It doesn't matter if PBLS has fantastic potential in there are not new investors that will drive demand for new shares and thus the share price.

Some will claim that it is good 'business' to be nebulous in the PR's as it will allow the 'insiders' to buy low and make the preferred deal look more attractive. That may be so, but my belief is that it will do more harm by continuing to make PBLS look like it has something to hide or that it just is not ready for prime-time. Remember, it takes a long time to build up trust but a very short time to lose it. We haven't even built it up yet!

JMHF0 ('F' as in 'Frustrated' not as in 'F-ing')