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janice shell

06/26/07 10:38 PM

#39167 RE: f_eroltu #39166

I recall a number of suggestions that August would somehow be "special", though I never really figured out why.
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06/26/07 11:29 PM

#39172 RE: f_eroltu #39166


i sure WAS pushing anyone, who cared to hear me, to buy paim. what choice did i have with a new i/r who is a real person, and pictures, etc.... then the p/r and email came out about fighting the cheaters, and it hit me,, i went through this last year.. im just telling you.. jeff has made it clear ahead of today that the divy wont work and he put an attachment to the email which i cant seem to cut and paste, but running and keya have it.. as to why it wont work. but they promised a divy, so you all get the dang divy! its purpose wasnt to pay us a couple of bucks, it was to find the cheaters..

so the most recent posts you saw will show that i said, wait til aug, (cause plan "a" didnt work).. it didnt say buy more or hold til aug.. and i said days ago, im selling and why.. i dont know what more to do to be clear on this hunch.

the email attachment states some stuff thats over my head as to why its a loop hole, but it just is, so plan "a" didnt work.

a recent p/r said more will come.. so, please, for once, just try to hear what im saying. if you are a shareholder, just think about what is going on. you poke fun at me over "there" and here, but im really truly trying to help you and those who are really paimers.. if you arent, then i understand what you are doing.

have a nice night.
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06/26/07 11:39 PM

#39177 RE: f_eroltu #39166

also f,

here is my turning point..

posted on my 3 sites..

Posted by: only1gail
In reply to: None
Date:6/20/2007 12:54:25 PM
Post #of 39175

guys, i have been through divy's before,, and they are not that exciting to me,, im planning to sell a bunch ***(turns out i sold all and at this time i thought wed was the deadline not tues)*** on the 27th (divy deadline) if there is a little spike.. and give up the divy.. or some may choose to sell the day after, and get the divy-- which is cool too.. but my thinking is that the pps may drop like it does, the day after..

me personally, i always buy back too fast.. so this time, im gonna wait.. til like later in july,, as it gets closer to aug.. they have til the end of aug to report the rev.. so pps may go to sleep for a couple of weeks.. thats just what i have seen in my experience w/other stuff i have dabbled in over the last couple of years.. but who knows.

also, i keep hearing everyone suggest solutions to paims high float. paim promised no r/s, so i believe them.. but i dont know.. there is so much about to happen w/the gold and deals, etc etc.. ill just wait til after the divy pps calms down.. then ill jump back in.

thats just my plan..
**me again now.. i had seen p/r and emails and started to put 2 and 2 together.. ***