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05/21/07 9:32 AM

#75895 RE: coastiretired #75894

An excellent set of questions. Well formed and well thought out. Your post should be kept for future reference and should also be addressed to Huff and Jones as well.

However, I doubt that anyone has the "guts" to answer them.
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05/21/07 11:39 AM

#75900 RE: coastiretired #75894

coasti, excellent questions to Mr. Koenig. I find with Mr. Koening that he quickly condemns all the people who have 'positive' speculation about the company and in the next sentence he goes and starts his own speculation sprinkled with what I called 'factualization'. I am sorry, but Mr. Koenig seems to exhibit all characteristics what I call those of a 'disgruntled employee' by putting down others who took over from him (ex-NASA guys) while having high opinion of the people who called this whole mess the first place. I am sorry, but Mr. Koening lost his credibility to assess GTE's current business realistically as far as I am concerned (to the point, he has no inside or additional information). IMHO.
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05/21/07 12:08 PM

#75914 RE: coastiretired #75894


Were statements made prior to March of 2005 factual in which Huff announced projected launch dates as early as January of 2005 and that Sanswire was working with NASA, USAF, and the FAA? Ans: January 2005 was a hypothetical date based on our having fabricated all the parts at Redlands.

Was his statement factual when he stated, "Sanswire plans to launch a high-altitude airship into the stratosphere by the end of January, 2005."? Ans: Yes, because January 05 was a preliminary projected completion date.

How could he come up with those dates when you state that, "Gas cells for the S-1 had not been fabricated as of 3/15/05 nor had we purchased one atom of helium."? Ans: By this time, the ex-NASA guys had completely thrown the program in disarray.

How involved was Rick Searfoss when he was added to the Board of Directors in January of 2005? Did he provide, "technical inputs, perspective, and representation to the public," as promised or did he just provide one appearance as a speaker for a Sanswire dog & pony show? Ans: Searfoss was NEVER involved with the Stratellite as far as I know. I met him once and never saw him again.

How involved did NASA become (and not their former employees) when Huff announced a Jan 2005 partnership with NASA in which Globetel would receive, "access to additional capable personnel and technology, accelerating the growth of both GTEL and our wholly-owned subsidiary, Sanswire Networks LLC. . .The agreement will provide NASA and other agencies the access to the Stratellite for the installation, integration, and deployment of NASA sponsored sensors and other projects. Under the proposed agreement, other government agencies may, in cooperation with NASA Dryden, utilize the Stratellite for their projects and requirements."? Ans: I was not privvy to that. That was something Huff was doing on his own. Bringing in NASA was always a threat held over my head.

Who was the lead engineer during this period? Who was giving Huff the impression that would cause him to issue this statement in March of 2005, "The high altitude record for a dirigible is around 20,000 feet. Our airship will more than double this record and perform operations never before done at high altitude. Once these tests are completed in April and May, we will immediately begin the construction of the full commercial vehicle that is scheduled to launch late in the fourth quarter of this year (2005). We will launch and recover Sanswire One multiple times over a 60 day period."? Ans: I once mentioned that the Germans flew the Zeps during WWI at 20,000 feet. The original plan for the S1 was to fly for 3 hours at altitude. Multiple lauches would have been a correct statement. I never billed myself as an "engineer." I am a designer with a degree in naval architecture. A naval architect is an engineering discipline.

Based on these statements and the following, how can you claim that the Strat program is, "nearly one year behind schedule"? Ans: I don't claim anything. I let the facts speak for themselves. The modified Strat 1 was photographed in 2005 and "floated" in the hangar, giving the impression that it was ready to fly. A year later, it is gone and the S2 pops up in Palmdale ready to commence tethered testing in July of 06. I stand corrected, the S2 is a full two years behind schedule.

A new and improved Sanswire One will make its first high altitude flight in August or September, 2005. A full commercial airship deployment is planned for 2006. Ans: "New and improved" are the operative words. That is what the exNASA guys told Huff. I had never made any plans to build a full size Strat isn 2006. That is the exNasa guys speaking.

As a side note, I believe you previously stated that you didn't receive promised funding for the buildout of Strat project. Globetel, in their financials, state that you received:

August 23, 2004 $70,000
September 23, 2004 $50,000
October 25, 2004 $30,000
November 23, 2004 $30,000

Ans: ALL I EVER RECEIVED was a check for $70,000 and a few weeks later, they wanted their money back and we were issued credit cards. I can say to you, under oath of truth, that I NEVER received the funds claimed for September, October or November. I had NO CASH whatsoever. There was no way that I had ever spent those amounts of money. My wife has all the paperwork to substantiate that. Whatever Mickey Mouse games they were playing with the books is not known to me.

They also claim that they provided you, "in excess of the above amounts, including approximately $30,000 through September 30, 2004, and an additional approximately $60,000 through," November of 2004. Did you actually receive the funding for the project as the company claims? Ans: NO I DID NOT. Here are my costs from October 04 to December 04:

Redlands hangar rent: $1000/mo
M. Hand salary: $60,000/year (5,000/mo.)
V. Koenig salary $70,000/year (5,850/mo.)
G. Oltmans salary $30,000/year (2,500/mo.)
4 part time workers paid at minimum wage (less that 10hrs/wk)
Materials purchases: approximately $12,000
Tools/tooling/tools for employees: $5000

Total for 3 months operation = $59,500 ($11K UNDER the $70K originally paid) I didn't need the extra money they claim was paid to me. That tells me there might have been some creative bookkeeping going on.

Globetel finacials state that you were issued two million shares in 2004 for your Stratodyne assets. Are you still holding those shares? Ans: Globetel CONTRACTED WITH STRATODYNE TO BUILD THE STRAT. The $70,000 check was written to Stratodyne, not me. When they wanted their money back, Stratodyne was left with one hell of a problem with the IRS. I was given 2M shares of GTE as part of the package. They were valued at $160K. GTE was trading at about 8 cents/share then. AFTER the reverse split, AFTER I left GTE, AFTER GTE stock went from $4+/share to $1.50, I sold the lot and bought Burlington Northern Santa Fe. My $150K investment went to a quarter million dollars.

Did you (Stratodyne) and Molen ever receive the additional millions of escrowed shares set aside in the Sanswire purchase agreement even though you never met the conditions of a Strat "commercial launch" date of December 2005. What brought about the later redefining of "a successful commercial launch?" and what has gone on since then in regards to these shares (Us ordinary investors have been denied such info since Globetel stopped reporting financials)? Ans: No, I never received any of the promised shares. Once the NASA threats began to surface, I knew that was never going to happen. I had a second mild stroke in mid-March 05 and decided that this whole thing wasn't worth dying over. The 2M shares I originally received came out of the 28M shares used to purchase Sanswire. I was NEVER under contract to Sanswire or Molen. Since Huff was led to believe that I was under contract, Huff thought it fitting that my 2M shares came out of Molens' pocket.

My wife is an excellent bookkeeper. Our CPA always praises her record keeping talent. If any of you would like to see our books for the time spent with Sanswire/GTE, they are open to anyone. Just email me at my corporate address and we'll arrange a time for you to come over to my house and peruse them. I have no problem with that whatsoever.