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Mr. Bill

04/29/07 1:17 AM

#49 RE: lifegear #48

LifeGear, Since you have talked to some at the company I am wondering if you could get them to contact pinksheets. It would be good for all involved. I tried hilighting parts of interest.

See about getting the OS updated as of today's date, the last known address, par value, etc.

GCPL -- Global Capital Partners, Inc.
Com (5 Cents)

Search for Dun & Bradstreet reports on this company.

Investors are advised that Pink Sheets has not been able to contact this issuer. Please refer to the Company Notes below for company status and other important information, including the Last Known Address, where available.

If you have current contact information for this issuer, please complete the Update Company Information Form or send an email to

Not Available

Phone: Not Available

Business Description: Not Available

Primary State of Incorporation: Delaware

Country of Incorporation: USA

Officers: Not Available

Edgar Filing Status: Non-Current EDGAR Filer

CIK: 0000899627

Outstanding Shares: 3,405,000 as of 2002-02-15
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mAjOr dAmAgE

04/29/07 2:16 AM

#50 RE: lifegear #48

How did Delaware SOS confirm the o/s? They usually don't keep records of that, only what was issued at the time of last tax return which in this case was years ago.

I know they confirm the a/s using the telephone system.

But that doesn't matter. It probably is what you say as the last 10-Q said that and so the last Delaware filing would say it as well.

I think maybe an inquiry to NASD asking if the company initiated the symbol change and, if so, who the contact info is. I'll do that on Monday.