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04/01/07 6:12 PM

#116504 RE: kokonutguy #116499

PP, what a piece of work.

Now, I did shout loudly here myself that Dupont is a BIG packaging player, providing just the kind of broad-spectrum packaging Scott is talking about.

But man oh man, does this guy talk out of both sides of his mouth or what?

Not too long ago he COMPLAINED loudly and snidely about MC2's endeavors, asking what sort of agenda the MC2 participants might have, and clearly implied that their agenda is to try and 'force' something on the mobile marketing/advertising 'arena'.

Now, out of the OTHER side of his mouth:

"When DuPont starts offering 2d codes (physical world hyperlinks) on the numerous packaging items AND brands they represent, this will eliminate one of the biggest hurdles for PWC. The decison of which 2d code (barcode) and which barcode scanning application will already be made for brands and mobile marketing companies."

and, later ...

"The largest consumer packaging good company will force the others (phone manuf, wireless carriers) to adapt/implement their business plans around this standard"

Wow, talk about HOPING someone can or will force a decision on the entire community of brand managers and MM companies LOL. Hey Scott, that wouldn't be because of your SCANBUY affiliations, now would it?

Does it get real tricky talking out of both sides of your mouth on alternate weeks, Scott?

Then he goes on to spout absolute uninformed and IMHO ignorant b.s.:

"For an example. The 2d codes placed on a softdrink bottle DuPont produces aren't just for Coke, these bottles are the same ones used by every soft drink brand.

Really Scott? Every soft drink bottle out there used by every soft drink brand is the same shape and size? Um, I didn't think that was the case, Scott. Are you talking about embossing a 2D code on the plastic bottle itself? (What happened to printing on a label, Scott?) Are you saying that Coke, Pepsi, Jones Soda, etc etc, they ALL want the SAME 2D code on their Dupont-produced bottles, a 2D code which by virtue of its very SAMENESS (according to you, Scott) would HAVE to take anyone clicking on it to THE SAME WEBSITE, regardless of brand?

Scott, Scott, Scott ... have you become so blinded in your one-sided rage against Neomedia and your sycophant-like love of everything-SCANBUY that it has made you increasingly STUPID?!

It would clearly seem so.

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04/01/07 7:07 PM

#116514 RE: kokonutguy #116499

Too funny. NEOM publicity just gets stuck in his head. He has some good stuff with the Dupont things, but he so totally doesn't want to recognize NEOM that it's kind of absurd. So many other people, who know as much or more than he does about PWC, tell a different and much more balanced story. We shall see how it all shakes out. Cj
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Saint Andrew

04/01/07 8:47 PM

#116526 RE: kokonutguy #116499

Read my lips PP...


Oh and by the way... My inkjet printer at home can print 2d codes!
What a coup for me!