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11/18/03 1:25 PM

#17889 RE: Elmer Phud #17884

as usual in the absence of any data

Yes. I see your point. Lots of speculation going on around here, although some of that goes with the territory. Stock investing requires some amount of speculation. If you wait for the data you are usually too late to make a profit from it. In this case I don't think this has any bearing on the stock price, so the argument to me is pointless. We can wait and see how the 8 way performs when one of these small vendors makes one, and if it is very compelling, then we can speculate that other larger server vendors will have to start carrying them and how that will affect the stock price. I already speculated a few months ago that the price/performance offered by Opteron is going to lead to more OEM server wins (which it has). I think the Sun news definitely led to some of the reason runup. I won't be surprised at all if more OEMs line up with Opteron next year.

A little speculation is a good thing, but I see many here taking it too far, and stating things like they are facts in absence of real data.

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11/18/03 2:53 PM

#17904 RE: Elmer Phud #17884


We have a poster here (not you) who loves to make things up. I was just showing that while someone here claim Opteron will not suffer bottlenecks at 8-way to the extent Xeon will(as usual in the absence of any data), the only results out there for Opteron in transaction benchmarks show it losing to Xeon in a 4-way configuration. I guess we will have to wait for more data but that doesn't stop some of our favorite posters from making it up in it's absence.

Are you talking about my post? I didn't say that Opteron will not suffer any bottlenecks, I said that available data shows that the bottlenecks will not be as severe as what SPEC Int/Fp shows Xeon bottlenecks to be. (which was contrary to your "choke" comment)

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11/18/03 2:55 PM

#17905 RE: Elmer Phud #17884

Yes, Elmer you've discovered that a 4-way Xeon system using Intel's fastest Xeon MP can beat a 4-way Opteron system using AMD's 3rd fastest Opteron, by a margin of 3%. So what was your point about scalability?

The Opteron system is also hobbled with 32-bit Windwos, 32-bit SQL server and PC2100 memory. What is the fastest memory speed supported for Xeon MP systems?


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11/18/03 2:56 PM

#17906 RE: Elmer Phud #17884

Elmer, the only results out there for Opteron in transaction benchmarks show it losing to Xeon in a 4-way configuration.

Please provide a link to that, I haven´t seen that yet.