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08/05/24 2:23 PM

#24343 RE: DR_rugby #24342

I initially couldn’t buy… But I kept trying and trying! Eventually I got one purchase order through @19.34.... and @19.78 another @19.81

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Jimmy Joe

08/12/24 1:40 PM

#24402 RE: DR_rugby #24342

Like a fisherman who waits for the cyclists to come back around picks up the most cash alongside the road

Used to fish the rocks South Side Indian River Inlet. Sometimes ya have to cast out and let more line out to hit the right spot. Other times you have to wait for the fish to school closer to your presentation. Patience is the key here. You know it and I know it.

Is their liquidity drying up~? I dunno..........

Can they keep playing the same game with "unlimited liquidity"~? Don't think so because there is no such thing as "unlimited liquidity". They have limits. What they are only they know.

Just have to be patient. If they send this to $15 or anything below $20 it may be considered a BUY. Not financial advice.
Just saying.............