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05/27/24 1:41 PM

#476191 RE: brooklyn13 #476188

You choose to see what you want to see, or like my ambassador friend, really trying to find a solution to anything, especially when it involves other cultures is never an easy thing to do.

Once again, there are problems everywhere in the world, oops you left out Hait, and a few dozen others, but thats fine. That is why the world is as good, or as bad as you want to see each day.

Some see a cup half full, some half empty. Either way, it is still better than when I was a kid, or when my father was a child, and his.

Again, double standard is nice to type, but it does not solve shit. When you only get what you what you want, it is always a double standard, because I did not get what I wanted. Compromise is not surrendering but finding a way to live with a problem. The problem never goes away, and later generations get tired of that compromise and the problem resurfaces again.

I see six billion people doing pretty good, but that still leaves 1.4 billion suffering. Sure, is better than watching families return from World War II, and watching Europeans and people from all over the world arrive in New York when I was a kid.
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05/27/24 1:50 PM

#476192 RE: brooklyn13 #476188

My question is, if Mossaad is so good at what they do and had these two clowns that they claimed they killed pinpointed then why not send a couple operatives in and do it the old fashioned way? Why firebomb an entire encampment to get two guys?

It doesn't make any sense to me. I want it to but shit just doesn't add up...
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05/27/24 3:17 PM

#476195 RE: brooklyn13 #476188

Whatever your bullshit you want to force on the board is your opinions and beliefs. We don't have to agree with your opinions and don't have to be libeled almost every fucking post.

Think about this. Your president has almost if not the same quality and ability to do surgical operations period. Why didn't he? Why did your genocidal hero and country instead destroy whole cities and generations of Palestinians still ongoing closing in to 40 thousand people in the middle? 40K for 1K rebels? Is that not enough? All bibi has done for years is brag how good their military is and how they can strike covertly any second (with huge help with my taxes), and what does he do? Flattens everything. All civilian living areas. It wasn't enough for you that Palestinians have been prisoners of israel for generations?

Why do you hate the Palestinians so utterly? If you live here, why don't you go to Israel and fight for them, instead of hanging here and forcing your guilt trips and agenda's on our citizens.

Biden should cut ties and subsidy's to your president and sanction the shit out of him. And you should move there and fight for your cause.

Put your body where your mouth is. Or STFU once and for all.

You seriously do not have a capacity to have a non confrontational discussion whatsoever, so why do you think no one wants to discuss with you?
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05/27/24 5:24 PM

#476198 RE: brooklyn13 #476188

Burned Alive!

50 Palestinians confirmed burned alive, killed by israel.
The Israeli army committed a horrific massacre in North West Rafah which is supposed to be a safe area bombarding and burning tents of displaced Palestinians killing more than 50 civilians many of whom were burned to death and injuring many others.

#Rafah #israel #rafahgenocide