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05/21/24 8:10 AM


CEO talked a good game about potential listings on the Canadian and European exchanges, at the height of the Twitter or (X) non stop self promotional postings even floated the notion or intention of a possible listing on the NYSE. IMO PMR is looking more and more to be a house of cards ready to collapse under the slightest breeze, ripe for further dilution in the pursuit of self enrichment and major exchange listing through dilutive measures tied to the use (possible abuse) of the 3(a)(10). Proposed buybacks are meant to counteract or offset effects felt from dilution, however IMO the effect from the amount of dilution required will by far outweigh the effect of any proposed buybacks. CEO laid out a hypothetical about post split open market purchases in the amount of $500k. Open market purchase along with buybacks may provide some form of temporary relief but are not a solution to the much larger problem.