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02/16/24 11:06 AM

#21357 RE: trip01fun #21356

Just a concept now trip

U go back a long time wit ECMH, Robins and Webber.
Ya all probably remember what I was postin bout all the NIR sht durin that period.
The clowns at BLLB have no interest in DD FACTS.
Most of em anyway.

I just posted over there again wit some answers 4 dat KOOL AID dude.
NERD. Nore interested in penmanship than facts.
ZERO CODE MONKEY ability there.

That was all just proposed possibility stuff 2 turn MILLER HIJACKED CORPS around.
But as u know that technology and possibility is very real. Read that last post and weign in here, there or both.
Dey think Im bullshttin em.